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Warzone Awards V (2021) Nomination Form & Thread: 2021-12-19 17:05:25

Level 59
It's that time of year again! I'm looking for your nomination suggestions for all 16 awards for the upcoming Warzone Awards V.

CLICK HERE FOR THE FORM: https://forms.gle/7wdoPJVte7kvLqBE7

Remember, these awards are for this year 2021, not last year or all of Warzone/warlight history. Examples: Rise of Rome can't be nominated. Someone who made a map in 2015 then made 5 maps in 2021, can't be nominated for Best New Mapmaker. Someone who was inactive in 2021, but was active in 2020 can't be nominated for Community Member of the Year.

Unlike past shows, each award now will have 4 nominees each. You're welcome to not submit a nominee for an award and you can submit as many as you like for each award.

Please share links to nominees, if I can't find who or what you're talking about, most likely I'll skip it. Also, sell the nominee! Why are you nominating this person or map or clan? More details the better!

The form will close on January 1st, 2022. Voting will then be shortly after!
Warzone Awards V (2021) Nomination Form & Thread: 2021-12-19 19:52:22

Level 58
I nominate arrow838 as best new mapmaker
Warzone Awards V (2021) Nomination Form & Thread: 2021-12-20 12:07:02

Level 63
Loxiiv as the best new troller.
Warzone Awards V (2021) Nomination Form & Thread: 2021-12-21 13:20:05

Level 64
I hope DanWL wins again
Warzone Awards V (2021) Nomination Form & Thread: 2021-12-22 17:11:16

Level 59
DanWL is always winning because he is a King
Warzone Awards V (2021) Nomination Form & Thread: 2021-12-26 21:13:24

Level 59
Less than a week to submit nominees!
Warzone Awards V (2021) Nomination Form & Thread: 2021-12-27 07:08:05

Level 58
Can we do forum post of the year?

Edited 12/27/2021 07:08:15
Warzone Awards V (2021) Nomination Form & Thread: 2021-12-27 07:14:50

Level 59
@111: You can make your own awards and they'd be just as official and taken just as seriously as these.
Warzone Awards V (2021) Nomination Form & Thread: 2021-12-27 10:32:55

Level 58
I am doing it. Can we cooperate to do that on a weekly basis?
- downvoted post by Loxiiv
Warzone Awards V (2021) Nomination Form & Thread: 2021-12-31 16:16:47

Level 59
Not much time left to submit nominees! Voting thread will go up sometime next week.
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