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Which image host do you use?: 2021-12-09 22:23:45

Level 60
People cannot see images when I post. Which method and image host is recommended?

Thank you.
Which image host do you use?: 2021-12-09 22:25:15

Level 63
I use https://imgur.com/upload?beta

But make sure you use the image url (https://i.imgur.com/zmyqRw6.png) instead of the webpage url (https://imgur.com/a/yLiL8cP)

Edited 12/9/2021 22:26:41
Which image host do you use?: 2021-12-09 22:30:11

Level 60
Is there a size limit?
Which image host do you use?: 2021-12-09 22:33:07

Level 63
I've never run into any limits myself, but I've given it a quick google:

The maximum file size for non-animated images (think JPG, PNG, etc) is 20MB. PNG files over 5MB will be converted to JPEGs.
The maximum file size for animated images (like GIFs) and video is 200MB. Video uploads cannot be longer than 60 seconds. GIF and video files over 2MB will be converted to GIFVs

Non-animated images over 1MB for anonymous uploads and 5MB for account holders will be lossily compressed. This compression reduces filesize while maintaining quality. Large GIFs will be converted to GIFV, which also shrinks file size while maintaining a high quality, perfect for our expert GIF makers.

(From https://help.imgur.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000083326-What-files-can-I-upload-Is-there-a-size-limit)
Which image host do you use?: 2021-12-09 22:40:09

Level 60

Testing using ImgBB. How do you see it?

Edited 12/9/2021 23:15:56
Which image host do you use?: 2021-12-09 22:41:10

Level 63

EDIT: your img is fine, just dont put the url tags around it

Edited 12/9/2021 22:41:59
Which image host do you use?: 2021-12-09 23:16:28

Level 60
How about now?
Which image host do you use?: 2021-12-09 23:18:03

Level 63
Looking good now!
Which image host do you use?: 2021-12-09 23:20:30

Level 60
Thank you for your input JK_3.
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