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PSA: CW and switching clans early in season: 2021-12-02 03:25:50

Level 59
Two PSAs actually:

1. Clan Wars records participation when you sign up, even if you withdraw before the time slot starts. So if you switch clans afterwards, you'll get the popup telling you that you can't play for multiple clans that season. If you're not sure whether you'll go through with it, wait until the time slot is closer to starting because even if you withdraw you've already: a) used up one of your clan's 40 slots; b) kept yourself from competing for another clan that season.
2. If you're affected by #1 or if you switch clans very early in the season (like one game in, in one of the earliest time slots), you might still be able to participate in Clan Wars- just ask Fizzer nicely and he might do you a solid and reset your CW participation for that season.


Hope that helps you if you'd given up on CW and were waiting for next season. Either way, good luck and happy CWing!

Edited 12/2/2021 21:10:34
PSA: CW and switching clans early in season: 2021-12-03 16:52:23

Level 54
Snitches get stitches
PSA: CW and switching clans early in season: 2022-01-02 11:56:37

Level 58
PSA: CW and switching clans early in season: 2022-01-02 13:19:32

Level 61
lol Elucidar is fizzer's brother. Quite unlikely that he would break any rule...
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