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Why the 1,6/1 ratio on attacking/defending armies?: 2021-12-01 11:43:45

Hououin Kyouma
Level 56
My theory is that it's the golden ratio 1.618033... and intuitively makes sense.
Why the 1,6/1 ratio on attacking/defending armies?: 2021-12-01 18:56:26

Level 59
Boring answer: Standard kill rates are 60% on offense and 70% on defense so you only need defenders * 10/6, ignoring rounding . The attack is still even or advantageous at or above a 7/6 ratio, rounded down (e.g., 14v12 results in 7v4, +1 advantage for the attacker).

10/6 is 5/3 so 1.666...

Edited 12/1/2021 19:00:09
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