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Attacking with two equal stacks vs one big one.: 2021-11-09 18:04:08

Captain Ercoupe
Level 51
Let's say I am attacking a territory with 20 vs 12.... a win right? But what if you attack the 12 from two territories with 10 on each? Let's say I use an order priority card and have first move order too. I am trying to avoid a possible Bomb card from decimating my units in if I stack them in one territory.
Attacking with two equal stacks vs one big one.: 2021-11-09 18:08:36

Level 62
If you get bombed, you don't cap the territory either way.

Attack with 20: you lose 8 units, take the territory.

Attack with 2x 10: you lose 12 units, maybe take the territory. 1st territory to attack drops to 3 units.

"Maybe" b/c even if you use a priority card & have first move, you still only get 1 move first, so if he attacks the territory you just attacked from now has 3, he has 6, so can capture that territory. OR ... other reinforcements could come in from another territory, and then your 2nd attack fails.

And this is assuming he doesn't deploy to that territory, airlift, etc.
Attacking with two equal stacks vs one big one.: 2021-11-09 18:53:16

Captain Ercoupe
Level 51
Thanks. I will use one stack with 20 and hope for the best. I wasn't sure about first move order if it compounded with the Order priority or not. So if not, then the risk is even greater. Good explanation... much appreciated.

Edited 11/9/2021 18:54:33
Attacking with two equal stacks vs one big one.: 2021-11-10 19:56:52

Level 62
Move Priority card works like this:

- If you naturally have 1st move...
... and no one plays a Priority card, you get first move.
... and don't play a Priority card but your opponent does, you don't get first move.
... and you play a Priority card and your opponent doesn't, you get first move (but wasted a card).
... and you play a Priority card and your opponent also plays one, you get first move (and opponent wasted a card).
... and you play a Priority card but your opponent plays 2, you don't get first move (and you also wasted a card).
Etc & opposite from opponent's role for "you don't naturally have 1st move" cases.

Same thing in reverse for Delay cards.
Attacking with two equal stacks vs one big one.: 2021-11-10 20:03:59

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
If you play 1000 order priority cards, you only get 1 order before the opponent.
Attacking with two equal stacks vs one big one.: 2021-11-10 20:06:06

Level 62
And then he gets 2 moves before your 2nd turn arrives.


Priority just has the potential based on the rules I posted above to change it to:

Attacking with two equal stacks vs one big one.: 2021-11-10 21:14:49

Captain Ercoupe
Level 51
Thank you. The confirmation is helpful.
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