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How does Auto-Sell work: 2021-10-19 06:11:45

Level 63
Hey everyone,

before purchasing it: can someone tell me how auto-sell works? Does it sell ores, too?
How does Auto-Sell work: 2021-10-19 06:12:03

Level 59
it sells everything that is not used for anything
How does Auto-Sell work: 2021-10-19 07:06:22

Level 63
So if I do not have auto smelt it gonna sell all the ores, yes? Thank you!
How does Auto-Sell work: 2021-10-19 09:16:32

Level 25
Apparently, (I'm just repeating what others have said, I don't own this adv myself) it sells whatever you don't need for all the immediately next techs. But if you have the statistics adv and you see what the final techs cost, Auto-Sell will still sell those stuff, unless you could unlock the tech. So, if the cache boost adv for example costs a lot of copper bars, but no directly accessible tech costs copper bars, it will - for now - decide that it can sell ALL of your copper bars.
How does Auto-Sell work: 2021-10-19 09:38:34

Level 63
But how does that behave with ores? You never actually need them, you just need them to smelt bars.
How does Auto-Sell work: 2021-10-19 09:43:17

Level 62
I believe the Idle Master Mathematician indicated that it sells all the ores, alloys & items you don't directly need for the next immediately unlockable Techs. Presumably this means that if one of your next Techs is a Chromium bar, it won't sell the Chromium Ore and whatever other ore it requires (it changes by level).

But it would sell that ore if it's the Tech _after_ the next immediately unlockable one. Which means that it's potentially dangerous to use.
How does Auto-Sell work: 2021-10-19 09:49:16

Level 63
Since I currently do not automatically use smelters, I'd like to know if all my ores are solt, if the smeters don't use them (even IF the bar would be needed by a tech)
How does Auto-Sell work: 2021-10-19 11:41:25

Level 64
This is what I wrote in another post:

Auto-sell sells all ores, alloys, items which are not in the next open tech tree. This is incredibly annoying, not only because of the later techs but also because of the selling of cheap ores (copper, tin, etc.) which are usually required in high quantities for producing more valuable alloys (silver, gold, etc.) later on.

So yes, it also sell ores even if these are needed for the tech tree. The only exception is if you currently smelt the ores, in this case the specific ores won't automatically sell.
How does Auto-Sell work: 2021-10-19 13:06:45

Level 25
Ahh, I suppose you want the Auto-Seller to sell as much as possible. So, in the context of battles or challenges, I guess?!? Or you just aren't fond of unlocking all the techs. Then sure, go ahead and use it if the information given by the others appealed to you. I just wanted to remind you of this general flaw that the Auto-Seller has in case you weren't aware of it or if others found this thread and decided to invest in the Auto-Seller without having this warning.
How does Auto-Sell work: 2021-10-19 13:07:20

Level 62
Yup, so it sucks.
How does Auto-Sell work: 2021-10-19 13:35:43

Level 63
But the way it works right now is super for battles / challenges! Thank you!
How does Auto-Sell work: 2021-10-19 14:37:58

Level 64
It also has a small benefit when automating WZI in general as auto-sell does help to auto-generate money in combination with auto-market (automatically buys the highest price alloy/item as long as purchase cost < base sell price). So for very lazy, non-active play it's ok-ish.
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