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Suggestion: Order the dig sites with dig time: 2021-10-17 05:12:13

Level 62
Currently when I click on the list of dig sites, they're ordered according to the dig cost.

I don't care how much it costs to start a dig lmao. The thing that I need to know is the length of the dig, so I can time it to end when I'm available. Every time I start a dig, I need to spend time clicking on them one by one to find a dig site that suits me, which is annoying.

Can we start ordering the dig sites according to their dig time instead? Or at least make that an option and let people choose how to order them.
Suggestion: Order the dig sites with dig time: 2021-10-17 05:15:29

Level 62
I'm not terribly concerned about the _order_ of the digs in the list, but I think more info should be shown for each one. Show the dig time & %'s.

Same complaint - don't want to click each one to see what it is. Just show me that it's an 8h 100% Common for 200M, an 16h 89% Uncommon for 2B, 11% Common, a 12h 1% Epic, 99% Poor for 6B, etc.

There's no reason to withhold this from the list view. Particularly on large levels, scrolling through the long list looking for a particular type of dig is frustrating (and unnecessary).

But if no additional data is going to be added, then yes, minimally change the sort order - to Math's point, ordering by money tells us nothing about the dig (and we can see the cost in the list anyhow). Ordering it by something else (dig time makes sense) not already visible would give us info from the order.

But just adding all the relevant data to the list is best.

Edited 10/17/2021 05:17:13
Suggestion: Order the dig sites with dig time: 2021-10-17 11:39:38

Level 25
There already exists a dialog that would suit this purpose perfectly: the recipe stats. Show all available information in one dialog (cost, duration, %s of the 5 tiers, territory/bonus if you like) and let the user sort by arbitrary columns. It's just a matter of populating an available user interface with different data.
Suggestion: Order the dig sites with dig time: 2021-10-19 09:46:03

Level 62
Yep, that would work.
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