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Europe huge tech achievement: 2021-09-19 04:53:02

Darryl Chow
Level 55
Hi, I have just acquired all the techs for Europe Huge, but the achievement isn’t being awarded to me. I have tried refreshing the device repeatedly, and even closed the app and restarted my device and tried viewing this from my computer, but nothing’s happening, and I don’t have the achievement. Is anything wrong here, and what should I do? Thanks!
Europe huge tech achievement: 2021-09-19 04:53:23

Chief Rollie 
Level 61
Europe huge tech achievement: 2021-09-19 04:54:32

Level 62
Don't finish the level, take screenshot of your finished Tech tree & send a bug report.


Post it here, we'll QC your submission.

Edited 9/19/2021 04:55:13
Europe huge tech achievement: 2021-09-19 06:10:53

Darryl Chow
Level 55
Should I include a picture of my player profile?
Europe huge tech achievement: 2021-09-19 07:42:17

Level 64
Not necessary, since Fizzer can see who sends the report
Europe huge tech achievement: 2021-09-19 10:58:01

Darryl Chow
Level 55
I’ve submitted the report already, complete with the pics uploaded on imgur, you can view them here if you’re wondering what I’m referring to:


Gosh, I’m needlessly delaying the completion of the level in order to patiently wait for this issue to be resolved, should I continue waiting or should I just complete the level anyway (and enjoy my ascension)?
Europe huge tech achievement: 2021-09-19 21:06:50

Level 25
As far as I know, Fizzer can see exactly where you are in a level (if he wants to), but we can't tell you, whether Fizzer also has this option if you completed the level and went on. So, in case Fizzer needs more proof than just your screen shots and can't access the data after a level ended, he might not be able to award you the achievement, or at least, can't find the underlying issue to make sure that others won't have the same problem in the future.

I guess Fizzer would just give you the achievement when in doubt, but you could hang on for the greater good (a.k.a. the quality of the game). Fizzer is only (a single) human, so although bug reports get processed quickly, he can't offer 24/7 support. That said, your profile suggests that you already finished the level. So, let's just hope that this issue was something specific to you (perhaps a syncing issue) and not a general issue that now won't get fixed until someone else stumbles upon it again.
Europe huge tech achievement: 2021-09-21 23:26:31

Level 61
I saw the same issue
Europe huge tech achievement: 2021-09-23 12:30:20

Level 33
Just another data point. It just worked as expected for me. Got the last tech and the achievement unlocked within a second.
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