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Additional Mercenaries needed: 2021-09-02 11:20:09

Level 56
All data below is WITHOUT any modifiers. It is obtained via calculations with Statistics 1.

Level                             | Revision | Terr Cost | Merc Cost | Merc % | Cache % | Hosp % | AM
--------------------------------- | -------- | --------- | --------- | ------ | ------- | ------ | -------
Asia - Population Density         | 16       | 453B      | 57        | 20%    | 12%     | 27%    | 44%
Africa                            | 16       | 517B      | 13        | 20%    | 9%      | 26%    | 67%
Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire | 16       | 687B      | 13        | 20%    | 10%     | 26%    | 63%
Australia                         | 16       | 687B      | 17        | 19%    | 9%      | 31%    | 44%
Netherlands                       | 16       | 1.21T     | 21        | 20%    | 8%      | 28%    | 59%
China                             | 16       | 1.17T     | 21        | 20%    | 8%      | 27%    | 70%
Afro-Eurasia Gargantuan           | 17       | 4.03T     | 37        | 18%    | 7%      | 27%    | 91%
Triskelion                        | 17       | 4.09T     | 72        | 17%    | 8%      | 28%    | 86%
United States                     | 17       | 7.59T     | 40        | 17%    | 5%      | 27%    | 106%
Europe Huge                       | 17       | 8.93T     | 2         | 17%    | 7%      | 27%    | 97%

# Explaination
Terr Cost: The total territory cost.
Merc Cost: The average mercenary cost.
Merc %: The percentage of total mercenary over the total territory cost.
Cache %: The percentage of total armies in caches over the total territory cost.
Hosp %: The percentage of maximal hospital savings EXCLUDING the effect of Joint Strike.
AM: The Additional Mercenaries needed under the assumption below.

* All territories can be Joint Strike. JS % = 25%.
* We have the maximal level hospitals at the beginning of a level.
* We have all mercs at the beginning of a level.
* We have all army caches at the beginning of a level.
* We exhaust 15% draft pool. Draft % = 15%.
* No other armies income.

AM = ( (1 - Hosp % - JS %) * (1 - Draft %) - Cache % ) / Merc % - 1
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