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Stop zoom in/out when capturing bonus: 2021-08-20 09:10:03

Level 62
Whenever I capture a bonus, it highlights all the territories of the bonus, often involving zooming in or out and moving the map around to show me the bonus.

It's extremely annoying, especially near the end of the levels when I often capture hundreds of territories in one go. The map just keeps moving around and randomly zooming in and out, making it hard for me to click fast, or causing me to click on the wrong territories causing me to capture territories without Joint Strike. It's becoming a significant time cost, especially in those small levels where most time is spent on clicking instead of waiting.

And the worst part is that it causes my browser to lag whenever I capture a big bonus. In the Rise and Fall level there're multiple 1000+ territories bonuses, often crashing my browser when I capture them.

I'm not interested in enjoying the view of the bonuses I've captured. It'll be nice if there's a new hardened level or advancement where the reward/effect is having a button to disable highlighting bonuses. Or even better, a button that suppresses both bonus highlighting and dialogues when capturing caches/dig sites/arena/recipes etc. It'll be a big time saver in certain levels, and also make auto-conquer actually useful outside of battles and challenges (auto-conquer is useless now because I can't turn on auto-conquer without crashing my browser due to too many things trying to highlight themselves at the same time).
Stop zoom in/out when capturing bonus: 2021-08-20 09:13:10

Level 64
Go to App Settings
Disable what you don’t want
You’re welcome
Stop zoom in/out when capturing bonus: 2021-08-20 09:16:24

Level 60
Thanks Z! This has not been annoying enough to complain about, but I also hate that it does that. You are a real life saver!
Stop zoom in/out when capturing bonus: 2021-08-20 09:17:02

Level 62
Oh I didn't notice that existed. Thanks a lot!
Stop zoom in/out when capturing bonus: 2021-08-20 09:17:25

Level 59
To be exact
Human > Settings > Show animation when capturing a bonus.
Stop zoom in/out when capturing bonus: 2021-08-20 09:19:16

Level 60

The annoying zoom in and out thing is "Show animation when capturing a bonus", right?
Stop zoom in/out when capturing bonus: 2021-08-20 09:19:34

Level 59
Stop zoom in/out when capturing bonus: 2021-08-20 09:19:54

Level 64
Stop zoom in/out when capturing bonus: 2021-08-20 09:20:02

Level 60
Nm, Shin answers my question while I type and screenshot lol

Edited 8/20/2021 09:20:12
Stop zoom in/out when capturing bonus: 2021-08-20 09:20:26

Level 60
Stop zoom in/out when capturing bonus: 2021-08-20 09:21:09

The Forbidden Koala 
Level 61
You can also turn off balloons 🎈 to not get bothered while playing Idle Battle
Stop zoom in/out when capturing bonus: 2021-08-20 10:31:00

Level 25
While this works for this issue, I'd really like to be able to disable the zooming WITHOUT disabling the bonus highlighting. Because if you disable the animation and you then capture a bonus, you just get the balloon message without any hint to which bonus that was.
Stop zoom in/out when capturing bonus: 2021-08-20 10:37:38

Level 63
Yep, despite the fact that zooming in and out is an absolute pain, i still have the animations on so you know where you got what.

I would like the highlight to be linked with the balloons, and not with the animations, so i can disable just the animations.
Stop zoom in/out when capturing bonus: 2021-08-20 10:57:57

Level 60
Good point
Stop zoom in/out when capturing bonus: 2021-08-21 13:08:51

Level 25
The ideal solution would be to have several options for the individual aspects: Zooming, highlighting, balloons. Otherwise if you bound one of them to some other, you will always have a strange appearance if one of those three is disabled while others are still enabled. If Zooming is its own option and enabled but highlighting and balloons are one combined option and disabled, you could have the map zooming without anything additional happening. That would be really confusing, too.
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