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Are artifacts randomly assigned to dig sites?: 2021-08-16 13:01:18

Level 47
I am trying to get another Army Camp Boost as I used mine to upgrade another artifact. And now Army Camp Boost never seems to appear.
Are artifacts randomly assigned to dig sites?: 2021-08-16 13:02:04

Level 62
tey are random
Are artifacts randomly assigned to dig sites?: 2021-08-16 13:33:13

Level 25
When in doubt if you will ever want to use a different artifact that up to this point you never used before, your only option is to always keep one of each type in your collection and only sacrifice duplicates.
Are artifacts randomly assigned to dig sites?: 2021-08-16 14:16:09

Level 63
you have 1/41 chances to get your desired artifacts each time you dig.
Continue digging, eventually you'll get it

Don't sacrifice artifacts you want to use in the future
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