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New idea: LD No split MME: 2021-07-18 07:58:25

Level 58
MME with the same settings as LD siege would be very fun I think.

It would encourage us to look at the game through a different lens and learn new mechanics such as using the reconnaissance card correctly, and predicting no split attacks.

LD also makes for a new fun gamestyle, encouraging less aggressive play, and forcing you to play more strategically.

I think this template should be featured on a seasonal ladder, as they usually don't get LD because of the elitist snobs dictating it.

I hope this falls into the right ears, I am sure most players will be surprised to find out how fun LD No split is.
New idea: LD No split MME: 2021-07-18 20:21:50

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Compared to LD commanders MME, that is a valid settings.
Make it, propose it in QM, I might give it a vote.

Edited 7/18/2021 20:22:21
New idea: LD No split MME: 2021-07-19 10:14:15

Level 63
The elitist snobs probably have enough games going on already, and don't want to play 20x 50 turn games on top of it. LD can be really boring and drag out games for weeks. Works ok for RT I suppose, not that great for MD.
New idea: LD No split MME: 2021-07-19 10:15:53

Level 58
that's why there's no split, the sheer amount of turns looks intimidating, but when you take no split into account you can probably fit 3 LD No split turns in the time it takes to think about 5 standard MME turns
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