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Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-06-25 10:26:18

Level 58
Over the last couple of days global chat (GC) was often overtaken for hours at a time by offensive, abusive, sexually charged, racist or otherwise inappropriate, foul and filthy language postings by a few players/alts.

Especially at times when mods were (maybe) not around. Bans later on were not very effective, because offenders would just come back next night with newly created low-level alts (L1).

In order to effectively stop those bad apples from quickly getting back into global chat with quickly created new alts, I would like to suggest a general level requirement for participation in global chat. At least L3, better L5, maybe as high as L10.

Edited 6/25/2021 10:27:14
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-06-25 10:40:07

Level 61
I totally agree, but there are many idle players who are quite low level and use global chat... So i suggest that the person who uses global chat must have an account older than 10 days...
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-06-25 11:49:41

Level 58
I think low level players need a chance to call out their issues or ask for help in global chat
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-06-25 12:32:21

Level 58
"Main" low level accounts yes, but L1-L3 ALTS should definitely be excluded.
Also like Arrow's suggestion of a certain date limit, but that alone is not good enough, because some of these offenders have a lot of low level alts "in storage" already.
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-06-25 13:34:39

Level 63
Having some sort of minimum level requirement has been suggested before, but been declined since new players need to be able to get help. Especially with idle, new players are unlikely to reach level 4 (when you unlock forums) or something along those lines in a reasonable amount of time.

The real problem is the fact that only 20 or so people are on global regularly, and that you need to make half of them moderators to ensure 24/7 moderation.

Getting an alt to level 10 takes 3 games on average, so with a bit of preparation you can still get a massive troll army.
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-06-25 13:36:46

Level 58
can mods see if an account is an ALT and if yes, can they see what the main account is? If yes, suspending/banning main account plus all alts would also be a quite effective measure. Although it would not hinder them to create new L1 alts ...

To me it looks as if the filth of the last 3 days (early morning in European time zone) comes from alts of only 2 or 3 main accounts ...

Edited 6/25/2021 13:38:08
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-06-25 13:45:34

Level 63
if you understand how the internet works, hiding your alts is really easy...

and as you pointed out, moderation needs to happen instantly, giving someone a warning 3 days after they spammed doesnt really work, so global just needs more moderation
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-06-25 15:34:02

Level 58
I think at least locking out L1 players from GC would be a good and balanced measure. Don't see why we should endure more hour-long filth in GC every day.
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-06-25 15:38:50

Level 56
I agree with Nonolet. If you block level 1 players from Group Chat that will block the Spam by 90%. Sure some people are going to find a way but you won’t get the massive chat shutdowns that occur for hours at a time like you do now. Why do people from Italy have no etiquette.
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-06-25 15:42:17

Level 63
Another solution that has been proposed last time this was brought up (around a year ago iirc), a 2nd chat room was also suggested.

One global chat room is open for everyone, and the other chat room is only available for accounts that meet level or age requirements.

That would however introduce a whole new list of problems, so idk if thats an improvement.
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-06-26 23:48:17

Level 61
Just set a time or post number limit for players under 10 level. Btw if you want to to troll with an alt 10 level is so easy... just play 2-3 QM and win some random dudes.
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-06-26 23:52:31

Level 63
that would up the time to make a new chat troll from 30 seconds to about 5 minutes, so thats a good start
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-06-26 23:54:36

John Smith
Level 56
yeah we could also use a chat filter
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-06-27 00:01:38

Level 59
a chat filter would be nice, but how will we handle bypassed words?
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-06-27 00:02:22

Level 63
filters are either too easy to bypass, too hard to code or too strict for normal chatting
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-06-27 00:03:07

Level 59
so we only add inappropriate words into the chat filter?
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-07-09 14:01:24

Level 63
you can easily bypass it if its just a filter: f ck, fvck, fucc, fukk, etc

if you expand that filter to include all those bypass words/methods as well, you wouldnt be able to normally chat since that would almost always include something that is inappropriate.
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-07-09 14:03:13

Level 64
Rafflebot is level 2

Be careful what you wish for
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-07-09 14:05:25

Level 63
PLAYER level requirement, not bot level requirement ;p

And if that really becomes an issue Fizzer can just set RB's level to 99 or something crazy high.
Global Chat: player level requirement please: 2021-07-28 19:27:13

Level 13
I want to add that it's pretty easy to spam new accounts through https://getnada.com/

I just checked and managed to make several accounts and cheat my way in a ffa by playing with 3 different accounts in one 5 player ffa game.
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