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Maximum private tourneys: 2021-05-30 22:26:44

Level 63
So i've recently started making weekly tourneys for TLA, and I've already hit my tourney limit of 5.

I've used JK_5 to create this week's tourney, but its far from optimal to do that. I assume the first tourney will be over before I hit the limit on JK_5, but having to dig up an inactive alt to make tourneys shouldn't be the way to go. In case of emergency I could also use CRF for another 5 tourneys.
I have this same issue with Bob in TBA (and JK_4 making tourneys cause Bob hit the limit).

The problem is that there is no way to increase the limit. I do happen to have 3 high level inactive alts I can use to bypass the limit, but that is not feasible for normal players.

I think there should be a way to upgrade the tourney limit.
Having an extra 5 tourneys for being a member would be a good start. On top of that, being able to buy them for 100 coins a slot would be a way to get more as well.
Maximum private tourneys: 2021-05-31 07:31:38

Level 63
So I'm the only one with this problem?
Maximum private tourneys: 2021-05-31 07:45:37

Level 65
Fizzer increased the limit for tournament series organizers in the past (e. g. AWP), but we have also faced this problem for internal events. You can obviously use different players/accounts to create tournaments, but I don't understand why this restriction is necessary. If someone wants to spam tournaments, he can do that with different accounts. I also agree that it would be a cool thing to make this a purchasable feature or covered by membership.

Edited 5/31/2021 07:46:24
Maximum private tourneys: 2021-05-31 07:57:52

Level 63
It's really a shame that I dont have a grandfathered account with 99 max tourneys.....
Maximum private tourneys: 2021-05-31 07:58:17

Level 61
I agree with this forum
Maximum private tourneys: 2021-05-31 09:04:47

Level 60
I have also encountered this problem and find it very annoying... I wouldn't mind as much if extra tourneys were a membership feature, but the fact you can't even purchase extras seems silly to me.
As Alex pointed out, the only apparent reason for a limit (preventing tourney spam) doesn't really even prevent this, making the limit (as far as I can see) purely an annoying thing for those needing to make lots of tourneys.
I +1 any kind of increase to this limit, even if it means forking out some dosh.

Edited 5/31/2021 09:05:24
Maximum private tourneys: 2021-05-31 09:07:57

Level 61
Ask Fizzer directly to increase your limit, he has done it in the past for me and Ursus.
Just need to ask him.
Maximum private tourneys: 2021-05-31 13:03:20

Level 58
can't you just ask a clan member to make them? most casual players have 0 tournaments hosted, just ask a random TLA member to host the tourney for you
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