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Custom Neutrals with Standard Distribution: 2021-05-27 03:31:33

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
I have a game concept in mind, but I would like certain neutral territories to have certain army amounts of my choosing. I also want a random full distribution of the leftover territories. For instance, I want territory A to have 100, territory B to have 50, and territory C to have 0. I want territory A and B to not be part of the distribution, but I do want territory C to be part of the distribution. Would it be possible to add this mechanic? If I'm not clear, tell me and I will try to clarify better.
Basically to sum it up, I want a custom neutral scenario with a regular distribution mode that does not affect the altered neutral territories of my choosing. This may be difficult to implement, but I'm sure others would use it often. I know I most certainly will.
I had this posted in Programming, but I don't think that forum gets much traffic at all. So I put it here.

Edited 5/27/2021 03:32:30
Custom Neutrals with Standard Distribution: 2021-05-27 03:37:08

[GW] Rob
Level 62
Custom Neutrals with Standard Distribution: 2021-05-27 05:12:26

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
Yes, but with completely random distribution.

Edited 5/27/2021 05:14:01
Custom Neutrals with Standard Distribution: 2021-05-27 08:29:24

Level 57
You can use custom scenario and switch distribution to manual. This allows people to choose from all territories which were in any slot except neutral. You can also give eech spawn different amount of armies.
Slots which were in distribution but not assigned to player will set there armies to value of "neutrals which were in distribution".
Custom Neutrals with Standard Distribution: 2021-05-28 03:29:53

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
This is what I understand you saying: Set player slots in custom scenario, and they choose from those slots. This I don't want. I want automatic distribution of territories that I did not predetermin. I only want to change the neutral army amounts and select some that cannot be distributed.
Custom Neutrals with Standard Distribution: 2021-05-28 03:57:07

Level 57
You can't combine random distribution with custom scenario it seems.

You can, however, do most of what you said by just changing it to manual distribution. Attention: WHEN USING MANUAL DISTRIBUTION AND CUSTOM SCENARIO, THE PLAYERS DO NOT CHOOSE FROM THE SLOTS, THEY CHOOSE FROM THE TERRITORIES THAT ARE IN THE SLOTS. *ahem* In this case, players may choose a certain number of any of the territories in any of the slots, but only the territories in the slots. The territories not assigned to any slot are the same way as if a normal custom scenario. And of course, the territory limit per player comes into effect.

Now, if you still after reading this think that custom scenario with manual distribution is the exact same as a regular custom scenario, read again.
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