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Clan Wars Statistics: 2021-05-15 20:19:31

Level 57
Hello fellow Clan Wars players!
I just want to use þis ðread to post some statistics about Clan Wars and similar stuff.
Here's a link to a statistic about þe rank of clans in þe two last seasons (I will update it from time to time): https://public.flourish.studio/visualisation/5984405/
Þis ðread should only be used for statistics or maps or just oþer creations relating Clan Wars and comments on þe same.
Clan Wars Statistics: 2021-05-15 20:21:19

Level 57
Clan Wars Statistics: 2021-05-15 20:22:33

Level 57
Clan Wars Statistics: 2021-05-15 20:26:08

Level 59
Wow that’s so cool to see how the rankings shift from season 1 and 2 (didn’t look much past top 5 [preseeing visual] but the visual rly helps in illustrating that). Excited to see how the future seasons go and if trends continue for clans.
Clan Wars Statistics: 2021-05-15 20:40:16

Level 60
woah, thanks for this. I'm happy how big the jump was for tba. would be interesting to see how participation levels change overall as seasons go on.
Clan Wars Statistics: 2021-05-15 23:48:10

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
You got your usage of þ and ð backwards. þ is unvoiced as in thought whereas ð is voiced as in though.
Clan Wars Statistics: 2021-05-16 17:22:04

Level 58
can йou йuse ðø lètter ඞ please i þink it løks very cool
Clan Wars Statistics: 2021-05-16 18:27:45

Level 62
Wow, 128 clans participating!

The up/down visualization is interesting. But what's the point of the map showing the territories each clan has? Is there a difference between what the in-game map shows?

Are you calculating some stats on CW?

Would be interesting to see stats ... like starting with the obvious stuff (per clan): # games played, # wins, # losses, win %, # of players played each season per can, # active players per clan (active = 15+ games played), # of inactive players (inactive = <=5 games).

And then some more interesting stuff: average games per day per clan, average games per player per clan, average games per active player per clan, # wins per player per clan, # wins per active player per can, # wins per template per win, # wins by opponent clan per clan.

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