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Im back but to end it all: 2021-05-12 14:19:51

Level 56
Im back but to end it all is what i would say about the things this time
Honestly ever since ive been getting more and more depressed and more and more worse
I took away from eating for a bunch but back to the point
Im back to end it all, what i mean by that is im going to be online
But pacey or me is not going to be the one controlling it
Well i sold this account and my other accounts on different communities and games to get a new computer for my studies
I told the buyer to not temper with the clan , he agreed
He can do everything he wants to just not the clan....
Thus, Im back to end it all
Farewell All :)
Hope you don’t forget me
Im back but to end it all: 2021-05-12 14:41:09

Level 61
bye my friend
Im back but to end it all: 2021-05-13 15:17:16

Level 57
I thought this was a suicide thread ffs Pacey

welp cya then
Im back but to end it all: 2021-05-13 15:19:19

Johnny Silverhand 
Level 58
I don't believe you 'sold' this account. It's level 56, has a low winrate, no ladder achievements, there's basically no reason anyone would want your account.
Im back but to end it all: 2021-05-13 15:53:54

Level 64
wtf nauz. why can't you just leave other players alone. it's totally irrelevant if he sold his acc or not. here's a guy saying goodbye to his community and all you can do is insult him. how sad you must be irl to take every opportunity to belittle others you don't even know.
Im back but to end it all: 2021-05-13 17:23:04

Johnny Silverhand 
Level 58
Questioning someones claims is belittling them?

The thread is a sham, he's almost surely continuing to play, but wanting to do so under the guise of being someone else, and making the thread so that he can bail on the responsibilities he would otherwise hold to his clan.

That's the simplest and most logical explanation.

It's not irrelevant, at all. Selling accounts is also against the sites TOS.

I'm sorry that someone using their brain is insulting to you Olja.

Edited 5/13/2021 17:25:31
Im back but to end it all: 2021-05-13 18:02:01

Level 64
My bad. How could I miss that all of this was about logical reasoning.
Im back but to end it all: 2021-05-13 18:43:21

Level 58
goodbye paceypro you'll be missed
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