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Do Levels have Powers AT MOST or EXACTLY twice?: 2021-05-01 21:19:11

Level 25
We discussed already elsewhere that each level has all the powers it contains at most twice. If you play a level more often - even after ascending - you can't find the powers anymore.

Now, why I'm asking here is that some aspects of the game suggest that you might not be able to collect each power twice under certain circumstances. So, does anyone know this specifically?

Scenario: If you play a level and you conquer a territory that contains a power, this power gets transferred to your "Powers" tab. Unless you've already maxed out this specific power. In this case there is a message telling you that quote:
Use one and then claim it by tapping it. If you don't claim it before finishing the level, it will go to waste.

Right now, I can't find the most recent thread about obtaining powers twice, and therefore I can't quote the post that made me think that, but I had the impression that someone hinted that you can get each power twice. And my interpretation then was that if I can't claim a power in one attempt, I will get the power again on the third attempt to make up for that. But then I read again the message above and got confused.

So, will the powers be there in exactly the first two attempts and if I can't claim them, I will get less powers. Or will the level contain a power until I claimed it twice? I can't finish a level without conquering each territory, so even if I knew that I couldn't collect the power, I wouldn't be able to not conquer the territory in order to not waste the power. Again, I can't find the discussion anymore and don't know which sentence exactly caused this interpretation. but there definitely are powers that you might be unable to collect no matter what. Examples are Fog Busters if the whole map is already revealed or Skip Levels if the last level is already playable. The Fog Buster can be collected if you have a Multi Level left and are willing to spend it. The Skip Level would only be collectable if you could ascend first, which is impossible. Iirc, I already was unable to collect one Fog Buster somewhere (don't recall where) because of that (and the fact that no-one warned me that I might be wasting powers if I was hoarding too many), since then I keep my stock of Fog Busters low enough. But now I see the list of skipped levels increase and increase (partly due to the daily login rewards) without being able to counteract in any means.

So, there are three possibilities now: My interpretation is in fact correct, only the message is outdated. What I thought in the meantime was a clear misinterpretation and we accept that the game is punishing collectors. Or it is a misinterpretation but we agree that it would indeed be fairer to give everyone the chance to actually COLLECT each power twice. That would also mean, that you could decide to not claim a Supercharge Army Camp if you are close to done with this level and perhaps could benefit more from it on your next attempt.

EDIT: Or it might be best to remove the upper limit for powers altogether. Does it serve any real purpose and is a stock of powers without a limit somehow exploitable? It is already possible to get more than five powers of some sort (e.g. by raffle). And I'd argue that it isn't exploitable. I just saved more for later. That means, I'm slower in some level and afterwards faster in some later games. Powers can't be used in battles (I think), so, I really don't understand why we need the limit in the first place.

Edited 5/1/2021 21:29:10
Do Levels have Powers AT MOST or EXACTLY twice?: 2021-05-01 22:36:59

Level 64
You can only claim a power twice.

If you don’t claim it, ie pick it up, it’s still waiting for you.
Do Levels have Powers AT MOST or EXACTLY twice?: 2021-05-02 14:01:55

Level 25
Then the dialog text is wrong (or at least imprecise), right? You don't waste one of your two chances of claiming this power, you just delay it.
Do Levels have Powers AT MOST or EXACTLY twice?: 2021-05-02 20:19:29

Dj Storm
Level 59
Also, if you claim some powers, abandon the level, replay the level, the powers you collected (I think) are counted towards the maximum of 2 of each power. Remember that I used to play each level twice, played the Rise of Oda Nobunaga several times, abandoning if I couldn't get the first bonus in a set number of turns, and those first powers were no longer available.
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