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Idea: Button to speed up order animations?: 2021-05-01 03:55:56

Level 61
I was watching a tournament game the other day and wondered why the armies move so slow on the map. It always lasts a few seconds before I can see the next orders. I wondered if an option to speed it up would be useful? So that we can go through replays quicker without spamming the "next order" button. It would certainly look nice. :)

What do you guys think?
Idea: Button to speed up order animations?: 2021-05-01 04:09:30

Level 60
Great idea!!!!! I love it!!! I have often wished for the same thing, but not quite thought what do do about it yet, so thank you for posting this.

Fizzer, this is a great idea, please make this.

Now for it to be fair, I don't know if there should be a few choices, or more of a slider bar... You are already spamming the button for speed, so it's not like it would give us faster players an unfair advantage. A setting like this is sorely needed, especially in smaller and/or fast paced games with no time banked. In such cases you literally spend your whole turn watching your moves, and then it bumps you to watch the next turn before you do anything besides place your armies. This would help a bunch with that!
Idea: Button to speed up order animations?: 2021-05-01 09:08:38

Level 63
You could use the ‘group attacks’ option. If on website, from a game, go to top right bar, click App Settings and click Group Attacks.
Idea: Button to speed up order animations?: 2021-05-01 09:40:45

Level 63
you can use your arrow keys to step 1 order or 1 turn at a time. This skips the animations and just shows the end result of the action.

EDIT: up down for for single moves, left right for entire turns.

See https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Hotkeys

Edited 5/1/2021 11:01:36
Idea: Button to speed up order animations?: 2021-05-02 09:49:21

Level 61
Group attacks usually is already on, and mid-late game loads of attacks would be made anyways.

About pressing the buttons, I know it works but I want to avoid spamming and the animation looks cool, so I want to keep it.
Idea: Button to speed up order animations?: 2021-05-03 00:38:42

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Speeding up animation should be easy, problem will be with sound.
Idea: Button to speed up order animations?: 2021-05-03 13:48:45

Level 57
Idea: Button to speed up order animations?: 2021-05-03 13:50:13

Level 63
+1 indeed, as for the sound, just play it at normal speed but only play it half (or resample it so it plays the full thing without getting high pitched)
Idea: Button to speed up order animations?: 2021-05-03 17:40:08

Level 63
This would indeed be very nice. Simple option "faster move animations" for 2x speed would already be enough for me. Might be hard to track faster attacks on smaller screen (when map is big), but on computer should work well even with bigger maps.
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