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Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-28 11:32:50

Level 61
Discord: https://discord.gg/ba66y3hXhK

1. All rules are enforced by the organizer as fast as possible, there is no panel.
2. Every clan must have a clan contact who is responsible for rosters, line-ups, bans, protections, templates switches and substitutions. Clan contact can only be changed between seasons, when promotions and relegations happen.
3. Usage of points between seasons is private, clan contact will have to decide on the matter alone, any kind of collusion or leaking of information before the public announcement by the organizer will have dire consequences.
4. Clan contacts can automate their substitutions where their clan members will be automatically subbed out in the case of a boot or no-join. The substitution will come in for the next game, but only in that round robin.
5. Every clan can submit a roster of up to 15 players. Line-up has to be made from the players in the roster that didn't get banned. Missing the given deadline will result in point deductions.
6. Every player on the roster must be logged in on the CLOT, players who have not signed up by the given deadline will be removed from the roster, with no option to replace them.
7. Every player can only use one account to play in the event. In case a player wishes to change their accounts there will be a cooldown period of one season.
8. Secret alts are forbidden and will result with a permanent ban of the player and all their games being forfeited
9. Every substitution costs one point for the clan. Players who get banned during the season for breaking rules can't be substituted.
10. There will be no remakes.
11. Every 1v1 win is worth three points, every 2v2 win is worth four points. A clan going undefeated in the round robin will get one extra point.
12. Every player getting booted or not joining the game will result in deduction of one point for their clan.
13. Every player can play a maximum of two slots, in that case a team and a solo slot must be used. Playing two team or two solo slots is not allowed.
14. Substitutions can only be made when the clan has already more than zero points. Substitutions in the roster between seasons do not cost points. Automated substitutions won't happen for clans with zero or less points.
15. At the end of the season, winner of the division promotes to a higher one, last in the division relegates to a lower one.
16. Games will be created every 2 weeks, according to the official schedule.
17. Severe trolling or spamming by a clan member anywhere will initially result in point deductions, second offense will result in a ban, third offense will result with the clan being removed from the event.
18. Any kind of outside help, will result in the players getting banned.
19. Whenever in doubt, use common sense, if you think something in particular could be against the rules, it probably is.
20. Whenever something is unclear, ask the organizer directly.

For INSS 2v2 tournament: 2v2 BoA (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=1395070)
For SR 2v2 tournament: 2v2 Szeurope (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=1395069)
For WR 2v2 tournament: 2v2 Phobia WR (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=1395068)
For SR 1v1 tournament: 1v1 BIV (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=1395067)
For WR 1v1 tournament: 1v1 Strat ME (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=1395066)
For INSS 1v1 tournament: 1v1 Elitist Africa (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=1395064)
For casual/niche 1v1 tournament: 1v1 SE1W (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=1395062)

Season progression:
Season starts, everyone plays their games.
Clans can sub in players, that would cost them a point.
Every clan can add a single template to the pool while season is still going.
Season ends. Relegations and promotions happen.
Clans change and finalize rosters for next season.
Clans ban and protect players and switch templates.
Clans finalize lineups, season starts again.

Every clan needs 1 contact, who will have to join the event server as well, that person will be the voice and face of the clan, everything will go through the contact and the contact alone.

Everything will be done using the CLOT.
Initially this will be much like CL, with specific games created on specific dates, games on the same template will be 2 weeks apart from each other.
Schedule will be coming this weekend, estimated start time is last weekend of May.

Maximum of 2 slots per player.
Added rule is that the player can't use 2 slots in 2v2s, nor in 1v1s. The player would have to play a 1v1 and a 2v2 slot to play 2 slots.

Clans will be divided based on seeding (which will be based on CL performance for the first season, I'll try to be fair about it), into divisions of maximum 5 clans (or as even as possible).
It will be based on the current standings in CL, if I am in doubt I will determine it by looking at CW results (current ones). As said, I'll try to be fair about it.
A division will not have more than 5 clans, higher divisions will get priority over lower ones.
Division A has 5 clans, B has 4 clans.
Division A has 4 clans, B has 4 clans, C has 3 clans.

The clan finishing first will promoted to a higher division, the one finishing last will relegate to a lower one. The clan to finish last in the lowest division can't participate the next season.
There must always be stakes in play, even in the lowest division.
If a clan drops out in a higher division, the second one in a lower one will promote.
There is no way to avoid relegation if you finish last in a division.

The standard boot time will be 3 days and 10 days banked (with vacations not honoured), this will most likely change in the future seasons.

Every game that has a boot or no-join costs the clan 1 point.
A clan wins a 2v2 but one player in the team gets booted, they get 3 and not 4 points for the win.
A clan loses a 1v1 with boot, not only do they get 0 points, they lose 1 from their total amount too.

There are unlimited subs, but every sub will cost the clan 1 point. You can't use subs if your point count is 0 (or below).
The roster size limit is 15 and can't be changed while the season is still going.

No remakes, ever.

There will be 4 1v1 round robins and 3 2v2 round robins during the first season (a total of 10 slots).
1v1 win will be 3 points, 2v2 win will be 4 points (a maximum of 96 points possible).
Clan who goes undefeated in a round robin will get 1 extra point (making the maximum possible 103 points)

At the end of the season clans will have the option to switch out templates using their points.
The new templates can only come from a pool of approved templates which will be revealed as late as possible (the standard is 3 different options to replace a template).
Every clan can add 1 template to a pool (any of the 7 different ones we have, it will only apply for their division) before season officially ends, at any time. That choice can't be changed later on.

After the season ends there will be a week to use your points. After that they're locked in and the points can't be used.
There's no option to bank points for future seasons.

Cost of switch for a 1v1 template is 15 points, for 2v2 is 30 points.
The template switches are division specific, meaning you'll change the templates only in the division where you will play next season.
The switches are done in private, with a mail to me and the order of switches is from the lowest ranked clan first to the highest ranked clan last.
That means that higher ranked clan can neutralize templates switches out by lower ranked clans, since they switch later. In this case, the lower ranked clans points would go to waste.

Other options to spend your points on:
Ban a specific player for one season costs 15 points, every other ban by the same clan will cost 5 points more (20, 25, 30).
Clans can only ban players of other clans with whom they share a division with (next season). A clan can't ban more than 1 player in the same clan.
Protecting a clan member from a ban costs 20 points, every other protection will cost 5 points more (25, 30).

Any sort of collusion (determined by me) will get the player(s) involved banned for a season, if it happens again, permanently.

Collusion could be but is not limited to:
Sharing information about ban/protect targets or templates switches.
Throwing games.

Sign up now!

Edited 5/16/2021 13:11:38
Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-28 12:13:05

Level 61
A primitive Discord server for the event is now open.

Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-28 14:39:25

Level 61
I've updated the initial post with the links to templates:

For INSS 2v2 tournament: 2v2 BoA (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=1395070)
For SR 2v2 tournament: 2v2 Szeurope (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=1395069)
For WR 2v2 tournament: 2v2 Phobia WR (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=1395068)
For SR 1v1 tournament: 1v1 BIV (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=1395067)
For WR 1v1 tournament: 1v1 Strat ME (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=1395066)
For INSS 1v1 tournament: 1v1 Elitist Africa (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=1395064)
For casual/niche 1v1 tournament: 1v1 SE1W (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=1395062)

Clans possibly interested so far:
Lu Fredd, TLA, TSFH, Hawks, Discovery, THD, Masters and a few more.

Edited 4/28/2021 14:52:26
Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-28 15:32:40

Level 61
Season progression:
Season starts, everyone plays their games.
Clans can sub in players, that would cost them a point.
Every clan can add a single template to the pool while season is still going.
Season ends. Relegations and promotions happen.
Clans change and finalize rosters for next season.
Clans ban and protect players and switch templates.
Clans finalize lineups, season starts again.

I've also added this part to the initial post.
Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-28 16:21:56

NoName 2.1
Level 60
Lu Fredd will join the event. Good luck to all clans
Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-28 17:13:45

Level 62
We are also interested in joining
Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-28 17:16:15

Level 61
@lineal, get someone from VIW to join the server, now is the time to suggest changes.


Not any of your chillzoners.
Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-28 19:54:11

this-is-ralphs-alt (also I dont have alts)
Level 12
Discovery will join :) Great initiative!
Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-28 21:31:27

Level 61
And that's a goodbye.
- downvoted post by Loxiiv
Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-29 11:05:24

Level 64
Clans can ban players? That sucks.
Its a game! The point of a tournament is surely to be a fun way for everyone to play the game.
Feels a bit cruel to exclude people from that.
Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-29 11:35:41

Level 61
Adds a fun twist to it and helps to break down the stagnant lineups some clans may have. ;)
Don't need a copy paste of CL.

As a site note, enough clans are interested to have a minimum of 2 divisions, including 3 CL div A clans.
Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-29 11:41:49

Level 63
TLA officially signs up!
Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-29 17:24:40

Level 61
Since a lot of potential clans who are interested find the whole season progression confusing I took the time to write down an imaginary season of how it could happen showcasing the various steps through the season.

For simplicity I'll include only 3 clans in a division and only 3 templates (1 2v2 and 2 1v1).

TSFH, Python and Master send in their rosters for season 1 (maximum 15 players normally in this case lets make it 7).

Masters roster and lineup:
master of desaster 2v2
Timinator • apex 2v2
No.One 1v1
Deadman 1v1
Master Bjarke

Pythons roster and lineup:
ACL Tears 2v2
Krzysztof 2v2
Dom365 1v1
Hades 1v1
Beep Beep I'm A Jeep

TSFHs roster and lineup:
Ursus 2v2
[NL]Philippe 2v2
Raxor117 1v1
Kratt 1v1

The games are played.
Timinator gets booted in a 2v2 game and is subbed out, Bjarke comes in
Raxor gets booted in a 1v1 game and is subbed out, Yelo comes in
Master adds Strat MME into the template pool
Python adds 2v2 FE into the template pool
TSFH adds Bork into the template pool

2v2 round robin games
Master win vs TSFH, lose vs Python
Python win vs both
TSFH lose vs both

Standings after 2v2 would be
Python 9 points (undefeated +1)
Master 2 points (boot game -1, sub -1)
TSFH 0 points.

First 1v1 round robin games
Master win vs both
Python win vs TSFH, lose vs Master
TSFH lose vs both

First 1v1 round robin final standings
Master 7 points (undefeated +1)
Python 3 points
TSFH -2 points (boot game -1, sub -1)

Second 1v1 round robin games
Master lose vs both
Python lose vs TSFH, win vs Master
TSFH win vs both (lol)

Second 1v1 round robin final standings
TSFH 7 points (undefeated +1)
Python 3 points
Master 0 points

Final scoreboard after season 1:
Python 15 points
Master 9 points
TSFH 5 points

Everyone still with me?

For this simulation, everything will cost way way less. Banning is 2+1, protecting is 4+1, switching templates is 4.
For this simulation, there is only one division so there are no promotions nor relegations. Otherwise who ever finished first in a lower division would replace TSFH.

Clans send in season 2 rosters.
For simplicity, let us say they are the exact same names.

Python can spend 15 points worth, Master 9, TSFH 5.
Every clan contact mails me with the information and I'll make the magic happen.
Protections will happen before bans, template switches and bans start with the lowest ranked clan with the highest ranked clan going last (in this scenario it would be TSFH, Master, Python).

Python decided to use their points as follows:
Ban Timi (-2 points), ban Ursus (-3), protect Beep (-4), protect Alex (-5), with 1 point left over which that can't use
Ban Ursus (-2), ban Alex (-3) switch in Strat MME (-4), with nothing left over.
Switch in Strat Greece (-4), with 1 point left over.

Strat MME was added by Master while the season was still going.
Strat Greece was already in the SR 1v1 template pool by default.

How it would look like in reality:
1. Protection of Beep
2. Protection of Alex
3. Banning of Ursus
4. Banning of Alex (failed)
5. Banning of Timi
6. Banning of Ursus (already banned)
7. Strat Greece switched in (replaces the previous template that was played in season 1)
8. Strat MME switched in (replaces Strat Greece and becomes the template for season 2)

Rosters are final and TSFH can't use Ursus next season, while Master can't use Timi.
Lineups for season 2 are made.
Every clan starts with 0 points.

Of course it will be much larger in reality with every division having their own unique template pools and running their own templates every season.
Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-29 18:29:06

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
I don't think this point banning system is particularly fair. If the winning clan from a prior season has more points to spend, it gives them more power to ban players in subsequent seasons than other clans, giving the winning clan an advantage over the other clans. In essence, it allows for a maintenance of the status quo...

I think it would be better to invert the point system such that the losing clans have more points to spend.

But then again, I'm not keen on clans having the ability to block/protect players either. I think a better approach to lineup diversification would be to instate a hard limit on the maximum number of slots a player can have over multiple seasons. (Eg, over the last two seasons, any player from a given clan can have a max of 3 slots, or, players can only play 1 1v1, 1 2v2, 1 3v3 for every two seasons). This would force players to think about how to allocate their resources proactively, rather than expecting to be able to play and then all of the sudden "op, clan y just banned you, you can't play anymore, sorry".

Edited 4/29/2021 18:32:15
Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-29 18:36:36

Level 63
If the winning clan from a prior season has more points to spend, it gives them more power to ban players in subsequent seasons than other clans, giving the winning clan an advantage over the other clans. In essence, it allows for a maintenance of the status quo...
Points dont carry from season to season, so the top clan should have the hardest time next season, since all the bans will (probably) be aimed towards them.
Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-29 18:36:50

Level 60
Winning also creates a target on your back though, so expect 4 bans coming your way.
I also think the system seems functional the way it is, and that any changes could wait until the first season is finished.
Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-29 18:41:57

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
Winning also creates a target on your back though, so expect 4 bans coming your way.
I also think the system seems functional the way it is, and that any changes could wait until the first season is finished.

Perhaps, but if a clan win is so dominant that other clans barely have any points to spend, you still run into the same problem.

Edited 4/29/2021 18:42:12
Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-29 18:46:53

Level 61
Okay, just a question here.
What makes you think any clan will dominate?

And if they do, do you really think the rank 1 clan will have more points to spend than the 2nd, 3rd, 4th + 1st place of lower division who gets promoted?
Clan Brawl I: 2021-04-29 19:18:54

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
I mean, fair enough. I guess given the current clans interested I could see Masters easily dominating the competition.
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