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fiekd hospital / damage territory: 2021-04-23 20:11:51

Level 61
I am sure you can enlight me with this.

i might misunderstood the use of field hospital but i would like to make this clear.
Have to admit i never used it and dont even know it works

I got the field hospital that saves 12% from conquering neighboring territories.
And i got the damage territory that Reduce armies needed to conquer a territory by 12%.

lets consider a territory valued 1B.
If i use "damage terr." i would need 880M to get the territory.

if i use 'field hospital" i need 1B to get it and get 120M in return.

So first am i correct here and then what is the difference please.

fiekd hospital / damage territory: 2021-04-23 20:22:12

Level 64
If you think about them like real-world transactions, 'damage territory' acts like a coupon, 'field hospital' acts like a 'cash-back' reward.
fiekd hospital / damage territory: 2021-04-23 20:22:21

Level 21
I think you are correct there. So the difference is that with the field hospital you would first need to save up to 1B before you can capture (instead of 880M). After capturing the net difference is equal. Besides that field hospital works on multiple regions whereas damage territory works only on a single one.
fiekd hospital / damage territory: 2021-04-23 20:24:52

Level 61
thanks for all guys !!
fiekd hospital / damage territory: 2021-04-23 20:27:54

Level 61
forgot to ask how field works after i put the card in the slot.
what determines the area of its action ? the territory i click on ?
fiekd hospital / damage territory: 2021-04-23 20:28:46

Level 64
fiekd hospital / damage territory: 2021-04-23 20:29:55

Level 61
all fine then, you ve been very helpful
- downvoted post by Loxiiv
fiekd hospital / damage territory: 2021-04-26 20:31:02

Level 24
Does the Hospital Boost artifact and the Hospital Techs affect field hospitals?
fiekd hospital / damage territory: 2021-04-26 22:43:30

Level 25
Probably not. Hospital improvements come in form of percentage because hospitals themselves have fixed values of saved armies. Field hospitals save armies by percentage, so applying other percentage-based improvements seems odd to me. But I might be wrong.
fiekd hospital / damage territory: 2021-05-12 17:29:54

Level 24
So if you use a field hospital a second time on a level the first one disappears. That kinda sucks.
fiekd hospital / damage territory: 2021-05-13 10:48:19

Level 25
So if you use a field hospital a second time on a level the first one disappears. That kinda sucks.

Well, I can see both sides. If you can deploy several field hospitals at the same time you can stack their effects and ultimately get some of those really expensive territories for free. But then again, if you spend literally days to cool-down your artifact several times to accomplish this, then you should be rewarded for the time and effort that you put into it. So, all in all I'm on your side and would like them to stay until all neighbors are claimed.
fiekd hospital / damage territory: 2021-05-30 11:18:45

Level 60
Has anyone checked the interaction of field hospital and joint strike? A long while back, we figured that when you capture a territory, it applies hospital savings (eg -500), then calculates joint strike (*.25), so hospitals cannibalize some of your js savings.

I assume this wouldn't happen with field hospitals, because it would render them essentially useless, but I'd like to know that someone has confirmed.

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