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Picking Competition Guiroma + Tournament: 2021-04-20 02:14:15

Roi Joleil
Level 60
The Picking Competition is a new Event where a set of Contestants compete against each other to try and make the best Picks on any Template. These picks will be afterwards Judged and a Winner will be determined.

These are the rules..
Once the events starts you will get pinged and a game with the board will be created. You are then to decide on your picks within 3 days of the game being created.
You are also to explain your picks. What your plan was and your idea with the individual picks.
You are going to pick against 3 other Contestant's with both Cycle outcomes being used to determine the best Player.

The Judge(s) will then go through each Pick outcome and determine which set is more preferable. They will score the outcome from +10 in favour of Contestant A to -10 in favour of Contestant B.

While scoring the Judge(s) will take into considerations of pick information and/or their lack of.


The next Picking Competition will take place on Guiroma.
These are the following Contestants.
Gakbobo, Drama, Ursus, Nature and Farah

Alexclusive will join me Judging their picks.

For this picking competition it was voted on to keep the Anonymous players. Meaning we will only know at the end of the Competition who picked what. This change was introduced for the last Picking Competition but there the main factor was to keep the Bots secret. Yesterday it was decided to keep that.

Furthermore I decided to include a stream to take place during the Picking Competition. This will allow all of you guys to also take part and play this template. What is the differents to a Picking Competition Tournament compared to other Tournaments?
Its going to take place RT like WGL. The main differents is that unlike in WGL or rly any tournament the board will stay the same throughout the Tournament.
Considering the Tournament is to take place after we talked about all picks anyone can watch and decide if they wanna choose one of the picks shown on the stream. You can also modify them or come up with your own set yourself. The choice is yours.

As for the stream it will stay the same.. atleast for the beginning. Because of this change to include a tournament we went back to only 5 Contestants. The point is to take a look at the Tournament games and see what you guys came up with / modified of and so on.

The Stream and Tournament will take Place on FR 23rd of April with the stream starting at 7Pm (or 8Pm. depending on alex). The Tournament will start one Hour later.

The Picking Competition Board will be Send on Thursday.

If you want to watch Previous Picking Competitions or join future once.
My Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzVdEwv0OYkXtoh5eOw0Tyw/videos
Discord: https://discord.gg/hNytsTUypW
Picking Competition Guiroma + Tournament: 2021-04-23 04:29:12

Roi Joleil
Level 60
this is the Board for the Picking Competition Guiroma
Picking Competition Guiroma + Tournament: 2021-04-23 04:40:05

Level 60
good idea for many people ig and a lot of effort has been put in clearly.

as a medium tier casual warzone player. this is boring af lmao.

but happy to see a new event
Picking Competition Guiroma + Tournament: 2021-04-23 10:15:43

Roi Joleil
Level 60
Timeschedule change:
Stream starts 8PM today
Tournament starts 9PM today
Picking Competition Guiroma + Tournament: 2021-04-23 12:22:17

Level 65
Looking forward to the tournament, it will be very interesting to see what people will end up picking there! Nothing like this has ever been done before, so let's see if everybody goes for the winner picks or a counter set to them etc. :)
Picking Competition Guiroma + Tournament: 2021-04-23 18:43:05

Roi Joleil
Level 60
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