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SUGGESTION Reduce starting time on QM matches: 2021-04-15 16:09:19

Level 35
It's not the first time I match a quickmach multiday game, where I have to wait almost the 3 days to be finished because the oponent don't make their first moves. I know it's a free win, but I don't want to free win, I want to play-lose lol.

I suggest on QM multiday, a prematch bank (24h?) lower than the full banked time, to avoid this kind of things.
SUGGESTION Reduce starting time on QM matches: 2021-04-15 16:15:42

Level 64

Warzone Creator
You can increase your number of games to get a new game while you're waiting on them
SUGGESTION Reduce starting time on QM matches: 2021-04-15 16:19:42

Level 35
Yes, I know, but I don't want to have "200" games opened. It happened once to me in chess. I opened several multiday games, because people played so slow. A couple of days later this was the hell.
SUGGESTION Reduce starting time on QM matches: 2021-04-15 17:00:21

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
i thought quickmatch-multiday are 1d 12h? why do you need to wait 3 days?
SUGGESTION Reduce starting time on QM matches: 2021-04-15 17:01:20

Level 61
for some. Dude 5 minute durations is extreme if it's real time in the standard cases. That's like a 20 minutes game.
SUGGESTION Reduce starting time on QM matches: 2021-04-15 17:01:36

Level 62
There's no good answer for this tbh. You can never control how quickly opponents will move. 10 games at once could result in frantic playing if all players are quick, and 100 games at once could still be too slow to satisfy a craving if everyone plays slowly and takes the full time. In general, large FFAs will trend towards using the full time allotment (b/c there's always someone who will move near the max time). 1v1's can be erratic.

I personally like 3 days time. Anything less than 3 days means I end up having to reactively visit WZ at a time I otherwise wouldn't to make moves more often than I'm comfortable doing, else accept getting booted. The fact that "Vacations" are flaky (don't apply to many games at all, starts time on all as soon as one move is played) means it's essentially a non-factor (doesn't help solve the problem). The only solution you have left is adjusting your # of games ongoing to a sustainable level.

"Sustainable level" is important. Not just so you have lots of active game play on days 1, 2, 3... but so that 2 weeks from now, you're playing at a comfortable level for yourself. For me, this is 20-40 games of mostly 1v1's + a few FFAs with time of 3 days or higher. I can do 60 but it can get hectic, and 70+ consistently encroaches on real life. I've down >100 for a short stretch and it was a mistake.
SUGGESTION Reduce starting time on QM matches: 2021-04-15 17:02:52

Level 61
that's why best games are 1 minute play 1 minute boot for those circumstances if you're at a wedding or in a waiting room, etc. Just toggle off all templates.
SUGGESTION Reduce starting time on QM matches: 2021-04-15 17:09:11

Level 35
@Timinator For me it's 2d + 1d bank

Just to be clear. I'm not complaining about 3days multiday games as is. I complain about a QM game where we are still in the picking phase after 2 days and 12h, because my opponent did'nt opened the match yet, and I know this will end consuming the time of the match. My suggestion is about that. If after 24h on a QM match, game didn't started for one of the sides, declare win for the other side, and move on. It's like add new bank time, but part of the main bank time. 2 days banktime, where 24h are the max time for picking
SUGGESTION Reduce starting time on QM matches: 2021-04-15 17:09:21

Level 62
True, if you're hankering for a game RIGHT NOW, play RT. Adding MD games to satisfy a RT desire leads to Time Mgmt issues, Time Mgmt issues leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to Suffering.
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