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Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 12:18:57

Level 63
10+ players got no games from the current timeslot for no real reason... I sincerely hope this gets fixed.
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 12:19:35

Level 62
Can't say I relate or understand, but I am with you!
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 12:20:54

Level 61
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 12:21:41

Level 63
This image from Skapis show how many got players got no games from the current time slot as you can see we in TLA are not very happy about this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/821715239657668619/821717214436261888/unknown.png
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 12:22:41

Level 63
Sorry for posting it again, Skapis btw :D
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 12:23:31

Level 60
Yes, not ideal - hopefully this can be fixed easily and quickly!
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 12:24:29

Level 59
It might be related to ur clan war rating (-104.1 for me on app) :P
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 12:27:51

Level 61
what's clan rating? I could not find anything in the blog post by Fizzer
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 12:30:59

Level 59
Win increase it
Losses decrease it

Here’s where I found it. Matchmaking prob gave the higher clan war clans priority in the matchmaking so a bunch of TLA were left behind
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 12:34:17

Level 61
http://prntscr.com/10o5saj for me in a browser
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 12:35:05

Johnny Silverhand 
Level 59
It's not a bug. It matches the people with top rating vs each other and works its way down. TLA is near the bottom, so most of the people at the bottom were TLA, and it couldn't match them vs each other.
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 12:35:12

Level 59
Browser is updated to not show negatives ig
My app is still on the last update so it shows negative
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 12:36:44

Level 61
Ok let's say that it follows what you say. Why no games were created?
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 12:47:32

Level 63
why isn't the system build like QM? where it slowly expands the rating range to look for players after a giving time?

if it stays like this, the -104 from the test season will block half of the games for TLA for the foreseeable future....
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 12:48:40

Johnny Silverhand 
Level 59
> Ok let's say that it follows what you say. Why no games were created?

Already explained.

You can't play vs each other.

There's no "time" involved at all. Everyone else got a match. The only people left to match the members vs would be each other.

Edited 3/17/2021 12:49:23
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 12:54:07

Level 63
> The only people left to match the members vs would be each other.

Loading, ChinaMan, KoRni and priamus also didn't get a game, so at least 4 other games could have been made without having a TLA vs TLA match (obviously the rating prevented it, but 2 people without a game is better then 10 people without a game)

Edited 3/17/2021 12:54:13
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 13:04:35

Johnny Silverhand 
Level 59
I don't think rating prevents any matches.

ie. If just a Python and a TLA join, they should get matched vs each other.

I think the people you're thinking it should have matched together didn't select the same templates, or they would have been matched together.

Loading... Strat 1v1
Xanderaka Small Earth 1 Wasteland
ChinaMan Small Earth ComBomb
KoЯni MME Commander LD

That's the free wins.

Priamus was likely in MME Commander LD with his clanmate, so got no game, and then all the TLA with no game were in Small Earth, where they were the only unmatched people.
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 13:15:18

Level 61
So it was just really unlucky that the only people who could not get a game in SE were all from TLA
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 13:19:26

Level 64
no not unlucky, it's related to the rating and because your clan's rating is far below 0 they get matches as one fo the last, because it starts matching the clans with highest ratings.
Matchmaking in Clan Wars i bugged: 2021-03-17 13:36:31

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
still the matchmaker should try to make as many matchups as possible. having TLA miss out with 6 players is not how it should work
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