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First one who gets a highlighted post here wins: 2021-03-16 01:48:00

Level 56
Annoying trolls downvoted the last thread. Trolls, just move along and ignore if you don't want to participate in the challenge. Thank you.
First one who gets a highlighted post here wins: 2021-03-16 10:44:12

Cata Cauda
Level 59
The WL OT-Forum is dead.
First one who gets a highlighted post here wins: 2021-03-16 21:55:55

Level 46
Shitposting kept the forum community alive and it died when the good shitposters stopped caring and retired. Ppl still talk about the 2015-2016 era like it was yesterday because nothing interesting has happened since.

This is a good example of the kind of lame nonsense threads that try to fill the void that was created after the art of shitposting died.
First one who gets a highlighted post here wins: 2021-03-19 21:23:41

Pyotr Krasnov 
Level 46
First one who gets a highlighted post here wins: 2021-03-19 21:37:29

Level 61
Generally, political systems look like this:
- Communizm: I have three cows; government takes them to a kolkhoz, in which they die
- Fascizm: I have three cows; government sets maximal price for milk, and commands to ear tag crows, so I won't eat them illegally
- Socializm: I have three cows; government takes the milk away from me, which I can later buy in a state shop for food stamps
- welfare state: I have three cows; I have to sell one, so that I have enough money for veterinary examinations, and for taxes from the other two
- euro-socializm: I have three cows; government commands me to kill one, because there are too many cows, and another, for neighbor's cow has a foot and mouth disease
- capitalism: I have three cows; I sell one and I buy a bull !!

First one who gets a highlighted post here wins: 2021-03-19 22:11:58

Level 63
If you highlight me I'll add updates to my userscripts faster. Feel free to request an idea :)
First one who gets a highlighted post here wins: 2021-03-20 04:28:09

Master Shredtail
Level 58
Looks like Onoma got it.
First one who gets a highlighted post here wins: 2021-03-29 22:48:25

Level 56
Bump in case you did not see onoma won.
First one who gets a highlighted post here wins: 2021-03-29 22:49:45

Level 56
Leave a post on this thread if you think this should be a monthly challenge.
Posts 1 - 9 of 9