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useless skip level: 2021-03-04 10:45:57

Level 61

what do i do with all those skip levels i cant use ?
i got 5 + 2 waiting to be claimed but i got only 1 map left.

Are they all wasted ?
useless skip level: 2021-03-04 11:36:33

Level 63
Yep, Skip Level is useless without accompanying Multi Level power
useless skip level: 2021-03-04 11:58:39

Level 64
I like I have 3 that I cannot pick up on Europe Huge that I cannot pick up because I am already at 5.

Useless Skip Level indeed.
useless skip level: 2021-03-04 15:03:00

Level 61
yes but there were only 1 multilevel power in all the maps i played until the last one
useless skip level: 2021-03-04 15:05:04

Level 63
yep, only KPX has the ML power. If you replay KPX you can get a 2nd one, but thats about it... :(

the bonus level for the idle app also had a free ML, which makes 3 total (if you got the idle-only app early enough, since the bonus is removed now)
useless skip level: 2021-03-04 15:11:13

Level 64
^ Or you can get them from winning coin seasons, but that's it for free multi levels. Raffles don't give them and the coin wheel doesn't give them, and Fizzer has yet to offer one as a tourney prize and likely doesn't plan to.

Edited 3/4/2021 15:11:57
useless skip level: 2021-03-04 15:36:48

Level 64
You can use skip level after ascending (and pick up the unclaimed skip level powers when you reach the level for the second/third time)
useless skip level: 2021-03-04 16:30:52

Level 56
It would be nice if membership or something like that gave a permanent or monthly multilevel.
useless skip level: 2021-03-04 22:59:36

Level 61
so if i understand well i have to replay all the levels if i want to use them ? but all the levels would not be allready unlocked when i have done all the maps ?
next thing is i dont have a smart phone, only player on my home pc, so there is no whheel in there, why is that so ? i mean, why would there be some advantages by playing on phone and not in home pc ? i dont get it.

Also and last thing, spending money on tis game is not giving some gifts or somethong ? Just asking, nothing else
useless skip level: 2021-03-04 23:10:22

Level 63
but all the levels would not be allready unlocked when i have done all the maps ?
When you complete all the levels you get the option to ascend, which resets all your level progress (but you get to keep all artifacts, powers and advancements). This makes replaying levels possible without having to worry about the replay penalty (but also locks all the levels again)
useless skip level: 2021-03-05 00:48:46

Level 61
ok i see thank you very much to you all
useless skip level: 2021-03-05 06:45:28

Level 56
You can get two more ML by downloading the Warzone Idle apps on android and Apple stores (assuming you have both device types) and playing one easy/training level on each.

There is a stand alone idle app, I don’t mean the regular Warzone app.
useless skip level: 2021-03-05 06:46:39

Level 64
The bonus level is gone, DM. So that method is now out.
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