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Confusion nap: 2021-02-27 01:18:19

Level 59
Today was the most confused i ever been (as of this post time). I woke up at 6:30 pm when someone wakes me up. I go and see a clock which says 6:30 and its dark outside. So i assume it was 6:30 AM. Now here’s the weird part. When i woke up, i didn’t get the tired feeling i get from waking up from a sleep. 6:30 Am is also the time i wake up. Then suddenly every family member is awake watching tv and normally, they would go to work at 6:30 Am. So i was left more confused. I eat my “breakfast” and then prepared for “class”. My class starts at 7:30 Am and when the class didn’t start, i started getting worried. So i check my time and it said “Friday” so i thought i time travelled. Ask my family “Dont we have class today” and they said yes. Finally, it all made sense when recheck the time and it said “PM”.
Confusion nap: 2021-02-27 01:23:45

Level 60
that's what is called A bad sleep schedule

I can relate
Confusion nap: 2021-02-27 01:28:12

Level 59
“A bad sleep schedule”
Combined that i took a warm bath and nap with warm clothes is maybe the cause. I had 6 hours of sleep last night at 12:00 Pm
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