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territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-21 20:47:07

Level 61

i am currently playing the Afro-Eurasia Gargantuan map.

have taken a major part of africa but still nned the west side.
Just discover a territory which lajue to take it is ...89B (!!!)

with my 300k/s income it would takke 80 hours to get the armies needed..
I can understand the maps are getting harder and harder, been meeting some 22 or 25B, but 89 really ?

so for a single territory, 3 days or more to wait ,!!! i cnat believe it...
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-21 21:04:58

Level 25
Don't know the map yet, but usually this just indicates that you are supposed to take another route first and come back when your income reached those levels. If this is a choke point that you have to take before continuing, then this army count is definitely way too high. But between the highest and lowest army count that I can see, there is often a factor of 500 (give of take). That all depends on your strategy.

I'm on "Far Land" currently, and given my strategy:
- I found a Crafter but haven't found a crafting recipe yet
- I found smelting recipes without matching mines (like the Lead one, really early on)
- I found the Lead+Silicon-Mine (the 16th or so in the order of the mines) before I had my tenth mine and I still haven't found the silicon recipe
- when I finally found the first hospital, I had enough money to upgrade it three times in a row.

These, and your 89B territory, are just yet another examples for the thread "When you know you went the wrong way" (more or less).
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-21 21:44:30

Level 61
I see but whatever route you take, you still need to conquer a 59B territory.
I dont think i have taken a wrong one. there are still many other territories to take but then i will spend all my armies and so would have to wait for them to reach 89B.

in all ways i will have to wait 3 days to get them, could be from now or later on.

I still think it is way too much
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-21 21:47:14

Level 63
at the end of your level you should be able to use your fully upgraded army camps to generate some more armies/sec. You can also consider using mercenaries for tackling that stack
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-21 21:47:21

Level 26
nice to know what i have to look forward to. and here i was pissed that i have a 120m territory to conquer. im only on feldmere tho
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-21 21:54:37

Level 58
getting mercs sooner, when army camps upgrades costs become steep, seems to make drafts that much more effective
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-21 23:01:41

Level 61
83% of mpa is done

have used up all mercs camp. Got about 30army camps upgraded between 1 and 28 times.
Increased Army Camp Production i advancements is at 200%
Got the artifacts Army Camp Boost in epic state to 80%

and all these btings me to 300.39k/s in army production.
as i have to wait the drafts i am taking is around 100M each time and by now i need 84B more to take this "giant" territory.

i dont see what more i can do. only wait 3 dayx to get this single territory.
I guess this game is over for me.
because i have 3 more to finish them all and i assume there mignt be a 100B or 200B in the lats ones.
maybe 7/10 days to wait ? really not my cip of tea.

by now i accepted a whole night to be able to take a big one but certainly not 3 days
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-21 23:11:33

Level 63
Well you've got your hospitals and joint strike, so you "keep" about 20B of the 80B+ you need to take it.

Besides that, its probably a little hiccup in the level algorithm that makes that 1 spot have a lot of neutrals, but on average it should all work out.
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-21 23:16:27

Level 61
all my hospitals are upgraded except the "small ones" or the ones needing 1T or more of money.
and yes my joint strike is maxed to 25%
but whatever happens i need to wait 3 days to get the 89B
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-21 23:18:12

Level 61
and just to precise i alraedy had to take several territorries of 25B each.
i would have understood 1 or 2 more but here i relly think it is not fair
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-21 23:56:30

Level 60
a while back, I skipped way ahead to USA. It took me a month. The biggest territory I remember was like 60-70b. I had income well over 1m/sec well before the end. there was a lot of grinding there, it was a good time to use the multilevel power.

Did you skip alot of levels to get there?
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-22 00:05:58

Level 61
no i played all the levels one by one
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-22 04:58:21

Level 64
Get/upgrade the additional mercs advancement not to run into such problems. Otherwise you'll experience similar situations on the next levels.

Edited 2/22/2021 05:00:47
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-22 09:22:18

Level 61
By now my additional mercs is at 47.5%
but i have alreadu used all of them
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-22 09:48:34

Level 64
In Triskelion, there is a territory for 224B with an Army Cache on it, and everything around it has about 4-11B.

The cache gave 22B. I suspect it may have been a typo. It was a few versions back. So it may have been fixed.
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-22 11:55:54

Level 64
Pasterma, you need about 70-80% additional mercs on the medium levels and about 100% on the top levels to not run out of armies (ofc also depending on your playstyle with regard to efficiently using js and hospitals)

Edited 2/22/2021 15:40:13
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-22 16:02:07

Level 61
ok lets say i needed 70/80% on the add mercs...
but those armies would have helped to capture other territories but not the 89B one as this one is totally west and the stating point of the map is east.
all in all it would have been the same except i would have 10/20 more territories.

but anyway lets leave it here.
i am out of this game and out of spending some money on it.

Thanks to everyone
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-22 16:05:13

Level 61
just for information i also have the damage territory card thta brings me from 89B to 74B but by now i still need 50B to grab it.
and since this i cant take a single territory or my armies will decrease.
so 2 days to go ? no thank you
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-23 01:21:38

Level 56
I just finished Afro-Eurasia yesterday. I didn't have quite the problem you did but there were multiple times I had to wait 12+ hours to build up for a large territory. I try to save mercs for the big territories. If you've already bought all those $130+ mercs and still have a significant amount of the map to conquer then you're buying them too early.

For reference, I beat Afro-Eurasia in ~15 in-game days with these AP:
50% Increased Army Camp Production
25% Joint Strike
50% Additional Mercenaries
50% Mercenary Discount
50% Increased Draft Sizes

Have you finished your tech tree? Once I had that done, I was able to sell all the random Speakers and stuff I had picked up from resource caches for trillions of dollars and bought a ton of army camp upgrades plus started on the expensive mercs. I wish I could go back and tell you what my production stats were at the end. I should have screenshot it.

Also make sure you always equip any Cache Bonus artifacts when you conquer a relevant territory. I have Rare of each and they make a big difference.

Last point: One thing I have noticed, at least with how I play, is there is a late game stage where the map goes slower and slower. But eventually I hit a tipping point where it turns around and I can finish the last 10-20% in a matter of hours. I suddenly have a ton of money to buy out mercs and can cascade buying them, then getting army caches, then getting the big Drafts then buying mercs, etc into take a large number of territories

Edited 2/23/2021 01:23:21
territories getting hrder and harder to get: 2021-02-24 01:17:09

Level 61
well tganks for all this !

a ctually the mercs i purchase are always to take a big territory -8/30B- and i nalways grab big ones before small ones so by the time i have upgrade my hospitals, i get the small ones for "free"

this is what i have
200% Increased Army Camp Production
25% Joint Strike
47.5% Additional Mercenaries
300% Increased Draft Sizes and the artifact Army Camp Boost upto 80%

the tree tech is not finished yet but i will selle too then
and of courses i use the good cards at the right moment

but this 89B territory has braught me to the point i need to stop to play this game...
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