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You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 03:04:15

Wally Balls 
Level 59
Ok this is getting ridiculous. Before I would get about 28 emails a day telling me I was invited to this guys tournaments, most of which were not actually tournaments but just chatrooms. Now I'm getting notifications that I'm being forced to join his tournaments? WTF?

You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 03:07:32

♦CPU♦ Iblocka09
Level 3
You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 03:08:04

Wally Balls 
Level 59
I don't want to stop getting emails, just stop getting them dozens of times a day from one person.
You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 03:24:27

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Then why did you join the tournament?

http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=3561 -- by your name you'll see "Accepted"

You can only be force-joined to games in tournaments you joined. Otherwise, the tournament would be stuck.
You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 04:00:59

Wally Balls 
Level 59
Pretty sure he hacked my account then and joined me or he hacked my gmail or something.

You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 04:18:21

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
Or politely ask me to take you off my invite list, like many others have done before. Also, I put my email to something that isn't my main email account just so I can have notifications and not really care about them.

As for my invitational, you joined that. I invited you just for the lulz. I thought you'd do a bit better though.
You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 05:42:30

Wally Balls 
Level 59
I am politely asking you to stop inviting me to 29 different things everyday.

Once a week or something would be fine, but this tidal wave of emails initiated by you is really annoying.
You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 10:31:01

Addy the Dog 
Level 62
You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 16:31:53

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
1. Maybe you wouldn't be force joined to the games involving my invitational if you actually joined them.

2. You're exaggerating. 2 lobbies probably a day for a week. I probably did it in 2 weeks, 28 emails in 2 weeks if you have the notification. Idk if you realize, but a lobby is only intended to poke and see who's online and wants to do a real-time tournament. I could concoct more annoying ways to do this if you'd like.

3. My main email account probably gets 28 emails a day which aren't spam. (Thank you colleges + work) I have something like 1363 unread emails in that account.

4. I'm going to be slowing down as soon as the next semester starts and I don't have any time to do these real-time tourneys. So chill.
You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 16:35:27

[WG] Warlightvet 
Level 17
Please make them even if you can't participate if you have time, they're a lot of fun! =3
You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 18:34:39

Level 61
Well, the problem is it doesn't allow people to only invite to 'x' amount each week or any other period. The person would have to check (or un-check from all, whichever is faster) from their entire invite list.

I understand the problem with invites, I seem to be getting much more than I want as well. It seems like you need more than one invite list in here. That way you can put people that want invites all the time in a separate list from this that you might only invite on an individual basis.
You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 18:36:29

Level 61
For example, I don't really want real time invites from Lolowut, but want his other invites. So, unless he can maintain a real time list separate, I just have to keep declining because I don't want off his list all together.
You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 20:27:16

Wally Balls 
Level 59
Ya that's a good idea. Make two lists. High volume and low volume.

Like I said, I don't want to get none of them, I like being invited to big strategic 1v1 tournaments, for example. But I don't like the firehose.
You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 21:02:07

Richard Sharpe 
Level 59
Yea, the whole polite request thing doesn't work. I have asked countless times to get off your tournament list and yet here I sit, invited to ten tournaments over the span of 6 days.

I finally gave up on declining tournaments and just dealt with the additional tab in my game pointing me towards the tourneys I will never join
You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 21:03:34

{rp} Julius Caesar 
Level 46
im sorry but me too i was gone three days and i cam back with 7 tourney invites
You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 21:12:45

Wally Balls 
Level 59
You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 21:16:40

Richard Sharpe 
Level 59
In the month of December I only received 36 tournament invites from Lolowut. That be some impressive spamming!

If only the blacklist could prevent such spamming...
You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 21:46:37

Addy the Dog 
Level 62
here I sit, invited to ten tournaments over the span of 6 days.

As far as I know, lolo has only made two tournament in the last 6 days.

In one he is giving away a free membership. The other was a live tournament so it would disappear from the list and from the message on the my games tab in less than an hour.

I don't know what you're all bitching about.
You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 22:44:21

Level 61
I'm not complaining about Lolowut. But it isn't just who creates tournaments either. You are missing a big part of the picture...the forwarded invites count too.

I probably get 4-5 per day from some combination of players. So you have emails to delete, then you go to tournament page to decline them all (click, decline, back to tournaments, repeat). It might take 5 minutes to deal with, but when it happens every day it can start to get annoying.

Another issue is without great filters on the tournament page (like the my games tab has), you don't dare look at "all tournaments" with all the invites you get daily.

All I am saying is having multiple invite lists would be great. It would help a lot with clans too (you could have a separate list).
You have been force-joined to "Lolowut's Invitational": 2012-12-27 23:25:10

Addy the Dog 
Level 62
I probably get 4-5 per day from some combination of players.

I never knew there were so many tournaments that I didn't get invited to ...
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