Broken map on mobile: 2020-12-12 23:18:34 |

Level 48
I'm dealing with a problem that I haven't encountered before, and I'm a really experienced map maker. It doesn't make any sense. If I just upload the SVG into a map version, it works, but if I make ANY alteration to the map in the editor, the map doesn't load on mobile. I tried saving the SVG as a new file, same problem. I didn't have this problem until I changed a few things on the SVG, but really minor things like the shape of the bonus links. If you want to help me then ask to be invited to a game, try to see if the map loads on mobile. Thanks. And yes I've tried restarting the app and my phone several times and deleting the game and starting a new one several times.
Edited 12/12/2020 23:19:00
Broken map on mobile: 2020-12-23 14:05:36 |

Level 48
it's still a problem lol
Broken map on mobile: 2020-12-23 18:31:14 |

Level 48
The test map works on mobile, sometimes. If I modify the bonuses, the map doesn't work. Re-uploading the SVG seems to resolve the problem.