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time progression: 2020-12-03 18:40:17

Level 21
i've not been playing very long so i wanted to ask you all that have more experience a couple questions.

about how long should each level take? i know each one is different, but at first it seemed like my levels were taking about one day per 24 AP (about one AP per hour more or less), is that the length of time that will continue? am i playing drastically better or worse than average?

i'm debating when to start buying the stage 2 automatic upgrades so i can play in the battles and challenges, will that be worth it or should i stock up on stage 1 upgrades?

do the levels keep getting bigger and bigger? i played the level with the three pirate ships and the castle last week which had a lot of territories, but the one following it (an outer space type level) seems like it had double the number of territories haha

any other newb advice i should pay attention to?
time progression: 2020-12-03 18:56:59

Level 64
about how long should each level take? i know each one is different, but at first it seemed like my levels were taking about one day per 24 AP (about one AP per hour more or less), is that the length of time that will continue? am i playing drastically better or worse than average?

1 AP per hour is about the typical speed the levels are played at, at least when starting fresh. I'd say you could probably save some time on the levels, but 1 AP worth of level per hour seems to be the average speed.

I'm debating when to start buying the stage 2 automatic upgrades so i can play in the battles and challenges, will that be worth it or should i stock up on stage 1 upgrades?

You should buy at least 1 or 2 levels of Auto Conquer, the levels will start to go faster with it. Even if the time it takes to get enough armies to use it seems to balance with the time saved, there are times in the levels where you can easily find ways to make it save many days worth of levels. Also the extra content you unlock with Auto Conquer is definitely worth buying the advancement for.

do the levels keep getting bigger and bigger? i played the level with the three pirate ships and the castle last week which had a lot of territories, but the one following it (an outer space type level) seems like it had double the number of territories haha

Yes, the levels always get progressively bigger. It's inconsistent for how much each next level lengthens by, but you can get an idea of by how much the length increases between levels by how much the AP increases between them.
time progression: 2020-12-03 19:07:01

Level 21
when you say "even if the time it takes to get enough armies to use it seems to balance with the time saved..." do you mean basically that it will save minimal time over each short span, but by the end it's a huge difference?

i haven't seen what percentages are for auto conquer, but it would seem like every 2 hours or so it would conquer only one or two territories (except maybe at the beginning of a game) but by completing some "continents" it would provide a mine or an army that will grow for the rest of the idle time
time progression: 2020-12-03 19:33:34

Level 64
when you say "even if the time it takes to get enough armies to use it seems to balance with the time saved..." do you mean basically that it will save minimal time over each short span, but by the end it's a huge difference?

That's exactly what I'm saying.

i haven't seen what percentages are for auto conquer, but it would seem like every 2 hours or so it would conquer only one or two territories (except maybe at the beginning of a game) but by completing some "continents" it would provide a mine or an army that will grow for the rest of the idle time

Auto Conquer isn't time based, it works every time the requirement for it to work is met. If you have the first level of Auto Conquer, it will instantly take any reachable territory worth at most 5% of your current army count, meaning you'll need 20x that amount for Auto Conquer to claim it. For example, you have a territory that needs 5 million to take, once you reach 100 million, 20x 5 million, Auto Conquer will instantly claim it. If you have multiple territories that fit the criteria, they will be conquered one at a time, in order of weakest first, at a rate of about 5-10 territories per second, until you either don't have enough armies for it to work, so you would just need to wait or claim it yourself, or finish the level.
time progression: 2020-12-03 19:34:08

Level 64
Took me a month to do Africa...
time progression: 2020-12-03 19:39:23

Level 21
yeah i know it's not time based, but i assumed that i was leaving the game idle. i haven't upgraded the idle time so i'm at 2 hours. i figured that i'd use my armies to attack and then walk away for two hours, during that time i might get some auto conquer based on a formula like you wrote.

do you know if each auto conquer upgrade is 5% more than the previous?
time progression: 2020-12-03 20:05:57

Level 64
Auto Conquer works whether or not your actively in the level. When not in the level, it works for your entire idle duration, in your case, 2 hours. If you're active in the level, Auto Conquer works the entire time you're active.

Also, it does say how much each upgrade is worth in the advancement's description, but yes it's 5% more each time, up to 50%.
time progression: 2020-12-03 20:58:55

Level 21
ahh, my bad, i haven't gotten to see the upgrade yet. i'll earn enough AP by the end of today/tomorrow to see it
time progression: 2020-12-03 20:59:30

Level 61
Sorry to interfere and ask a silly question and i hope you will forgive me...

So ok getting the autoconquer - "For example, you have a territory that needs 5 million to take, once you reach 100 million, Auto Conquer will instantly claim it".

does this mean you keep the value of 5 million (in this example) and still have 100 millions after the conquer ?
time progression: 2020-12-03 21:00:08

Level 64
No, they still get used

If you have 100M to Auto Conquer a territory worth 5M, you'll still drop to 95M

Edited 12/3/2020 21:01:34
time progression: 2020-12-03 21:01:39

Level 19
iM tOaTaLlY eXpIeRiEnCeD! whatcha need? :)
time progression: 2020-12-03 21:08:38

Level 61
"If you have 100M to Auto Conquer a territory worth 5M, you'll still drop to 95M "

ok, i really need some light here please - maybe i should buy me some neurones as i feel i am completely stupid...

In the end what is the point of getting the autoconquer ?

I got 100M of armies for example.

autoconquer will take the 5M territory and i will then have 95M armies.

Now without autoconquer, and with my 100M armies, i choose whether or not i want to take this 5M territory, plus try tn have the benefit of my 25% joint strike.

So the autoconquer is only not to make the click on the territory ? what am i missing please...
time progression: 2020-12-03 21:25:30

Level 64
In a nutshell, all Auto Conquer does is claim territories for you. Everything else still applies.

For the sake of not over complicating things, my example was just a base example, anything that saves armies still apply if you have them.

Edited 12/3/2020 21:29:08
time progression: 2020-12-03 21:32:29

Level 61
Thank you Splat !!!

So again why would i go for the autoconquer if I can do it by myself ? what would be the benefit for me, except not to click the territory i want , that is what i dont understand in factand it grabs yhe lowest value territory in case there are several that could be grabbed. But actually sometimes it is better to wait and get more armies to get money / resource/items etc and then grab the lower one.

really i dont get it but i dont want to bother you or anyone any longer...
think i wont take this autoconquer...
time progression: 2020-12-03 23:26:41

Level 64
Auto Conquer can help you claim multiple territories at once, which is most useful if they're on opposite sides of the map. Or you can work on one side of the map while Auto Conquer works on the other side. You can always turn Auto Conquer off if you don't want to use it, and back on when you do. You may want to get it anyway, at least the first level, so you can play the other modes in Idle, which both require Auto Conquer.

Edited 12/3/2020 23:28:43
time progression: 2020-12-03 23:38:17

Level 61
wait, do you mean that if i am working on the east side of a map, and not present in the west at all, the autoconquer will grab the territory ans thenmake me present other there ?
time progression: 2020-12-03 23:42:04

Level 64
If there are territories on the west side that it can take, it will take them. Even if you're not looking at them.

It only brings you over there if it claims a territory that finishes a bonus. If it doesn't, it just claims the territory and you stay where you are.

Edited 12/3/2020 23:44:39
time progression: 2020-12-03 23:47:22

Level 61
ok, now i see, well i guess so...

so one last time - lets say i start a map of the USA in California and spread a little, then , when the conditions are filled, the autoconquer can grab a territory in Florida where i would be able to play from and spread too ?
time progression: 2020-12-03 23:54:24

Level 64
It only takes from where you can reach, not just anywhere. If you can manage to get all the way over to Florida straight from California, and there's areas Auto Conquer can reach, and you have enough for it to claim those areas, great, though you might reach Washington faster. In that case, if you started in Sacramento, You could be working towards Seattle while the Auto Conquer works towards Los Angelos.
time progression: 2020-12-03 23:54:53

Level 61
well i cant thank you enough for your patience !!!!
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