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Army camp upgrades: 2020-10-04 20:37:26

Level 57
Seems like even with the new game balancing, the game always ends up being a waiting game for army camps.

All bonuses are taken, all upgrades completed. Just crafting the most expensive item, selling it, upgrading army camps, and waiting. Gets to be very monotonous, specially when it drags into days of waiting and lvl 40+ on the army camps.

Maybe instead of a linear progression with army camp production s level, make it a slight exponential one?
Instead of 100,200,300,400, maybe 100, 220, 330, 440? That way when you get into the end game you’re ~50-100% higher income generation than current?
Army camp upgrades: 2020-10-04 21:04:40

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
From what i've observed it already is slightly exponential.
Army camp upgrades: 2020-10-04 21:12:36

Level 64

Warzone Creator
It looks like you've not played any levels from the recent update. The level you just completed was the older revision (rev 7). The issues you bring up are fixed in rev 8, so many of the items you talk about shouldn't be an issue anymore.
Army camp upgrades: 2020-10-04 21:15:35

Level 63
After the last update, it looks like the army camps actually provide any noticeable income.
Army camp upgrades: 2020-10-04 21:20:40

Level 58
when was this update? I just started idle play a few days ago so I should be running version 8?
Army camp upgrades: 2020-10-10 09:07:03

Level 61
no way i wantes to criticize or seem unpleasant - otherwise i wouldnt be playing idle - but coming to to Feldemere or Japan it is becoming such a " just wait for money and armies to get increased" game as it needs millions and ten of millions to get a new territory and at this point there is not so much fun as it use to be...
and i guess on higher levels things are going to get worse with hundreds of millions needed and why not billions.
Army camp upgrades: 2020-10-10 11:45:53

Level 64
This is the entire point in the game. Balance the limited resources to finish as fast as possible.
The strategy has changed a lot in the different versions and get's better and better balanced.
I'm not very far (Roman Empire) but find the waiting times acceptable. After all it's IDLE.
Army camp upgrades: 2020-10-10 11:52:28

Level 35
pasterma, learn bonuses thoroughly and came to some plan on what you want to conquer first and what later. Basically, what I do now is going for territories with lowest money bonus one by one, but when I see a mine or army camp or mercs, I try to get those first before progressing. Lots of cache bonuses everywhere now on these big maps :D
Army camp upgrades: 2020-10-10 16:19:38

Level 61
to all of you thank you for your answers :!

actually this is what i am doing, step by step and maybe i am not patient enough... i was not complaining at all, but have to admit getting 200M armies is kinda astronomic to me
Army camp upgrades: 2020-10-13 08:56:56

Level 61
hi again

if I may ask you, there is something that maybe I didnt get.

i am on a mulitilevl playing Feldemere and the japan map.

On bioth of them, i need between 60M and 200M of armies to conquer a territory.
My armies income are at 6.47k per sec.
i got 5 army camps that needs between 500m and 800M of money to get upgraded.

Is there something i am misunderstanding here to get my armies income higher ? other wise it is going to need lightyears to reach the value of 80M or 200M !!!
of course i am selling what i am producing from the mines to get money and try to upgrade them but since, it is so low i dont even know how many days i would need to finih the Feldemere , not saying the Jpan map where there are a lot of territory in the fog. I can see a territory with a value of 200M, and i suppose i will see later a territoy even more expensive of armies...

thanks to you
Army camp upgrades: 2020-10-13 09:11:34

Level 63
if you have them, use fog busters, they will allow you to see a bunch of territories ahead which will allow you to plan ahead and go for specific territories with for example army and merc camps, so you can get as much armies as possible within a relatively short time. Depending on your playings speed you should be able to see enough for a day to a week of playing when using a FB.

Also note that items are worth a lot, and ore is worth about nothing, so if possible, craft the most expensive item possible and sell that. (but make sure both your smelters and crafters always have enough resources to keep working)
Army camp upgrades: 2020-10-13 09:17:08

Level 61
by now i dont need to see anaything using the fog clearer as i only got 5 posiibilities to move on ans thera are all at a high cost : 68M + 54M + 62M + 60M + 78M.
and of course i only sell items drafted not ore but even it needs 600M* to increase an army camp...

maybe i should stop idle and return to "noraml" quickmatch...
Army camp upgrades: 2020-10-13 12:40:28

Level 57
The issue i find with the camps is that they cost too much to upgrade lol
Especially once it reaches level 15 ish
Army camp upgrades: 2020-10-13 12:54:05

Level 60
how else do you think people will buy coins
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