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how do i get idle off my phone?: 2020-09-14 01:39:32

Level 65
its incredibly annoying to scroll around idle screens to get to my warzone screens
how do i get idle off my phone?: 2020-09-14 01:50:54

Pepe Silvia
Level 60
setting and change startup screen
how do i get idle off my phone?: 2020-09-14 05:07:38

Level 65
Apparently I'm stupid or I'm not making my suggestion clear. I don't see any settings either on my Warzone website, Warzone App, or phone settings. Can you be more specific? Thanks!
how do i get idle off my phone?: 2020-09-14 05:22:37

Level 59
You need to dig deeper. I heard rumours settings are in mordor and you need to assemble the crew of the ring to get there. But it's a long epic voyage which takes many years
how do i get idle off my phone?: 2020-09-14 05:52:30

Level 60
Well, if you are using your phone right now:
・Go the gray button with an image of a shadow of person on it, and press it
・When you press it, the next options will appear: Sign out, Profile, Achievements, Mail, My Clan, Settings and help
・Proceed to press on "settings", it will direct you to the settings menu
・in that menu you will find a lot of things, but the thing we are searching for, is on top of the list, it is an option that says
"Startup Screen", and next to it there is a green button that by default says "automatic" on it
(if you still can't find that option, it is over the sliding bars where you can modify the game's volume)
・press the green button and the next options shall appear:
Warzone classic, Warzone Idle, Auto, and cancel
・Press the option you prefer and it should be it!, the option of your preference must be your starting screen now
(PD: sorry if this is way too specific, working on a call center, even for a short period of time, changes you forever)
how do i get idle off my phone?: 2020-09-14 17:29:43

Level 65
Awesome!!! Thank you
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