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A little more information: 2020-07-09 11:37:06

Level 65
*I'm playing on computer so my suggestions might not apply to the app.*

Here are a few suggestions regarding the information displayed on the game:

-> The money and army counts on the right would be more visible if they were colored blue and gold.
-> It would be nice if we could get the same information regarding ore counts (total and per second) right under it. Total ore counts don't seem to appear anywhere.
-> On the bottom bar, I'd like to see the titles of the tabs ("Camps", "Mines", "Ores",...), at least when the mouse goes over them.
-> When you buy a new tech, you know exactly what you're getting. But when you upgrade a camp or a mine, you have no information. So you only know what it will cost you, and not what you will gain. That information should appear somewhere.
-> When you get a new power (from clicking on the door for example), a red "1" should appear on the power tab, just like when you can have enough to buy an upgrade. I almost missed one because I thought I had already activated it.
-> Can we round up the army numbers on the map? Displaying 118K when you need 118.99K to take a territory feels wrong.
A little more information: 2020-07-09 11:50:54

Level 65
I forgot... we were also wondering what the colored bars on the right (behind money and army counts) mean?
If they represent some useful information, that information should probably be displayed when the mouse goes over it.
A little more information: 2020-07-09 11:54:35

Level 63
Can we round up the army numbers on the map? Displaying 118K when you need 118.99K to take a territory feels wrong.
I definitely agree with that!

While the numbers are still in the "k" range, this means you only have to wait a little while if the rounding is wrong, but once you get into the M and B range, that means you that the difference between the number displayed on the territory and what you actually need might just as well be another hour of waiting...
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