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My map is tiny when I upload it to warzone: 2020-04-14 17:05:59

Level 55
I tried making my first map, but when I upload it to warzone it is way too small. Here is a screenshot where I have zoomed in the most I can without zooming in with the browser as well.


I used a 20x20 px circle on Inkscape to make sure each territory was big enough - this is the tiny red circle in the middle of the map on the screenshot- and the document size is 600x400 px (and all the units are definitely in pixels). The map is fitted to the document size on Inkscape so it should also be roughly 600x400 px.

Document properties and red circle dimensions: https://gyazo.com/c3c94a95dc6aa55a0bd4c1ca06126075

If anyone can offer any help with this it would be greatly appreciated.
My map is tiny when I upload it to warzone: 2020-04-14 17:14:15

Level 60
Lol, that picture is kinda funny.

Anyway, If I am not mistaken, I think your issue is that scale is not set to 1. In Documents properties, under where you set the custom size, there is a scale box. Both X and Y should be 1.

EDIT: You may or may not have to resize your map after. But, that value should at least be 1.

Edited 4/14/2020 17:15:35
My map is tiny when I upload it to warzone: 2020-04-14 18:02:51

Level 55
Thank you very much, that's all it was!
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