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What happened with the Warzone Twitch category?: 2020-03-10 23:54:19

Level 59
warzone.com is advertising streams in the top right hand corner, but these streams aren't for Warzone, they're from some other game. Looking at the category itself, There are currently 146 streams incorrectly in the Warzone category, but none of them are for Warzone. Is it possible for anything to be done about this?
What happened with the Warzone Twitch category?: 2020-03-10 23:55:42

Level 63
As long as Call of Duty players keep tagging their games/streams as Warzone, there is nothing Fizzer could do to stop them apart from removing the stream announcement feature.

I don't know if Warlight is also taken into account for those announcements (probably not), but if so, we could all agree on using Warlight in our streams instead of Warzone until the CoD update is less trending

Edited 3/10/2020 23:57:29
What happened with the Warzone Twitch category?: 2020-03-11 00:03:00

Level 59
It looks like Fizzer disabled that feature for now since I made this thread.

Edit: no, it's back.

Edited 3/11/2020 00:03:48
What happened with the Warzone Twitch category?: 2020-03-11 00:09:50

Level 63
Call of duty warzone just came out so streams are to be expected. But as long as that game is alive those streams will outdo warzone streams and there will constantly be false advertising. Ultimately it will just teach people to not click that link since it never actually bring you to a warzone stream.
What happened with the Warzone Twitch category?: 2020-03-11 00:11:30

Level 63
Would it help if we complained to Twitch to see if they could update the logo so that the category 'Warzone' at least shows the WZ logo?

Maybe that would stop streamers from choosing it as well.....
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