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Petition: 2019-11-24 20:12:06

Level 43
Hello friends

Petitioning for Fizzer to add fixed teams to coin games!

I mean admit it, who in their right mind would want to play a coined strat 2v2 with random teammates? That doesn't make any sense to me. Idk what Fizzer is thinking but he can still change it!

Drop posts under this thread so he can see! And maybe then he can make a change to make Warzone even better!
Petition: 2019-11-24 20:48:07

Level 57
There's already coin games where you choose which team you join. What more would you ask for?
Petition: 2019-11-24 22:00:18

Level 43
No, all coin team games are random. Let me know if im wrong with screenshots ;)

I have never been able to choose my teammates in coin team games. Unless you are talking about tournaments. I know tournaments you can choose your own team but what about regular coin games.

Currently you can't choose your teammates in regular coin games you make from the coin tabs and that is very bothersome

Because as i said who wants to play team coin games with randoms.

Edited 11/24/2019 22:03:45
Petition: 2019-11-24 22:05:21

master of desaster 
Level 66
I think only coin-teamgames on tournaments are possible at the moment
Petition: 2019-11-25 03:15:23

Level 43
Exactly, which is why I'm petitioning for the ability to make fixed teams in team coin games from the coins tab. Y'know sometimes I'm not in the mood for a full blown tournament, maybe I just want to play 1 RT coin team game with some friends or clan members.

But how am I supposed to do that if Fizzer doesn't even implement support for fixed teams? I don't want to play with randoms. Honestly sometimes you just have to ask yourself "why isn't that even a feature?"

I mean literally how hard is it to add, it's literally already a thing in regular games. Can't you just copy and paste some scripts and or elements? Sorry I'm not a web designer so I know it's not that easy. But based on the fact that you already made such a feature I don't think it should be that hard to port it to coin games.
Petition: 2019-11-25 10:18:04

Level 28
I think you need to make a post on Uservoice: https://warlight.uservoice.com/forums/77051-warzone-features
Though Fizzer does see forums, it is good to put it in uservoice to see how many players would like to have a new feature like this.
Petition: 2019-11-25 16:58:58

Level 57
From what I can tell, the uservoice has a lot more activity with getting more ideas then with people voting on ideas. I see a lot of new ideas, but very few of them have more then ten votes.
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