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Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 16:10:08

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
I agree with everything Ace Windu said. You cannot dispute anything without evidence; which is exactly what you are doing. Come back with a link containing credible evidence categorically proving Evolution wrong than we can talk. You cannot ONLY come here disputing something by poking holes in some of its evidence.
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 16:58:27

Level 57
Sure. I can live with what Ace said. It did sound decent enough now. I agreed about this statement of affairs with Gnull as well and I remember Piggy saying something alike.
So, Evolution Theory is strictly bound to the field of Genetics and "scientific fact" is just desribing the current status concerning this method of gaining knowledge known as science. Nice. Then I can come about with the argument that the beauty of this world and the existence of love is a reminder of this world's divine origin.:P Hehe. But we don't need to start all over. Let's stop it here. Agreed.

Edited 4/19/2014 17:03:21
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 17:20:53

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
You can't stop it as soon as you find a loophole to escape. The beauty of our world and (supposed) love can be attributed to genetics; the evidence of which disproves any form of creation (excluding intelligent design I suppose; another loophole imo).
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 19:04:09

Level 57
And here we go again. You can't have it both. As long as you just attribute to genetics - and therefore to evolution - what DOES fit and reject the very discussion when this attributing to genetics - and therefore to Evolution - DOES NOT fit, then actually it is not me trying to evade.

And here we got a global phenomenon at our hands that we are killing off millions and millions of our offspring over decades without need and you tell me, there is no relation to evolution. BUT there is some evolutionary over-riding above cognition, that we cannot see or measure, in our choice of partners to get the best possible offspring etc. etc. Isn't that irony? This is like one huge immense FAIL, isn't it? And I do not buy it.

You say, it was even Evolution shaping everything about us, namely the concept of love and beauty. BUT only those stuff where the explanation does fit, right? Where it does not fit, any relation to genetics and therefore Evolution is nonsense. I am not impressed.

But we can stop the discussion here. It is okay. We reached a point.
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 19:36:32

Level 57
Just imagine Evolution as some sentient being. All these millions and millions of years of careful filtering and selecting. This oh so patient step-by-step improving of the genetic code. Oh, this utterly strong-minded being in face of so many failures! Then, finally, here we are: Homo sapiens. Cognitive. Self-Aware. D o m i n a t i n g. The pinnacle. Reached. Oh the joy. She even invented love and the concept of beauty for us to make us feel somehow more comfortable and to tickle a wee little bit more offspring out of our bellies. Ain't she thoughtful?
Yea, we got cognition. Yea, we got self-awareness. Still she would say: 'Hmm lets put some backdoor into their minds, for I know better whom to partner with, you know? *Wink, wink, nudge nudge*' And now THIS. Abortion. Millions and millions. No need. This is THE shit. She must be raging in her cage. This must have snapped it.

IF she was a sentient being. Just saying. Of course, there is no relation to Evolution in abortion. We are no result of Evolution. There was no Evolution. Science is a rigged game. No more. You simply cannot disprove Evolution in Science. Never. It is the only explanation they got. There is no other explanation possible. Therefore, it will be defended unto death.
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 20:16:16

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
It will be defended until sufficient evidence disproves it, which is unlikely as the evidence we have is pretty damn good. Your ignorance amazes me. Do you truly believe science is some global conspiracy where each and every scientist only publishes data that supports them? Have you considered that the Church (I'm going to assume you're Catholic here) is worse? How many Gospels were/are still hidden by the Vatican? How many times has the Church suppressed the gathering of evidence to disprove its 'theory' (get's inverted commas because it isn't supported by anything) not just by the terrorism of scientists, but by the exact same method you state scientists do today - the concealment of evidence not supporting them.

We want to find the best partner to get the best genes to the offspring. This is evolution; and occurs in all animal life. Abortion is an example of where technology has overtaken our genetic development (which is very slow). Because our social environment is so advanced relative to our genetic makeup (which demands we eat, drink and breed as opposed to earn money, buy commodities, survive within our economic limits etc.), we see that despite us still having that sexual need, for whatever social reason (there are many), the result of that act cannot be sustained, so utilising our technology it can be removed.

This is not complex. I am a very unimpressive person. I see no rational reason that you should dig your heels in such a blind, stubborn way. The unrational reason I can see is that you have been indoctrinated; brought up Christian from a young age to a point where you are unable to break the shackles that hold your mind.
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 20:17:41

Addy the Dog 
Level 62
E-mail: Julko...@...
Player-supplied link:
Tagline: Jesus is my Rock, a bonus I keep even in defeat.


I stated that small girls would think of their future children. And mind you, small boys would not think of their future children. Again, small girls would not think of killing their future children and small boys would not think of killing their future children neither.

evidence, evidence, you don't got it.

julkorn, how about this. before the industrial revolution, which obviously hasn't happened to you yet, families would have 10 children, because infant mortality rates were high. most wouldn't survive. this is the case for practically all animals, they overproduce and the better-adapted ones survive. today we have medicine, education, health and safety. (three disgusting leftist concepts.) but in terms of evolution, we have not changed. no "small girl" today wants a nice catholic-sized family of a dozen children. other than those disgusting leftist welfare queen nigger bitches. we know that our kids are almost certain to live to old age, so it is unhelpful to have 10 draining your resources. yet genetically, we have not changed much. the sex drive is still the same. Therefore we make use of the contraception and abortions that are available to us thanks to stupid evil science. since that is easier than resisting our hard-wired urges. any questions?

You have seriously misundertsood evolution. It does not deal with day to day human interactions. It describes how, over millions of years, species change, how species diverge and create new ones, how dinosaurs became birds.

humans have a genetic predisposition to certain behaviours in some cases. in less complex animals, you can attribute all or most behaviour to evolutionary explanations.

your brain is a physical thing and it has a structure that is determined by genetics.

that said, evolution isn't going to be disproved because it hasn't fully explained individual human actions. any more than gravity is disproved because it hasn't explained why the particular chair i'm sitting on isn't floating around. no scientist has ever studied this chair, maybe this is a magical chair that stays on the floor for some reason other than gravity. gravity's a leftist scam, right julkorn?
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 20:22:16

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
Haha beat you to it!

When I talked about the fast social development of our World, I did mean the 1800s on too.
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 20:33:07

{rp} Julius Caesar 
Level 46
Arun, please DO NOT ASSUME he is Catholic, that is small minded of yourself. I may be Catholic, I may be pro-life, but I accept Science, and yes, even Abortion in certain circumstances. Also, please show some damn respect to religion. You may not believe in it, but its the reason you exist. I could care less in your apparent Aiethiesic beliefs, but it deserves more respect than you are giving to it. Understand that while on the internet, Aiethiesm seems to prevail, the real world, your outnumbered and there are more facts baking religion than those backing the lack of a God, any God.

The irrational reason I can see is that you have been indoctrinated; brought up Christian from a young age to a point where you are unable to break the shackles that hold your mind.

This is small minded. Religion has freed the minds of million through the ages, and established morals, that in today's world are vanishing by the day. Why else to we see the degregation in American society? Look through the history books, in every ancient civilization, as the people lost faith in their religion and gained faith in themselves and their technology, they crumbled. The reason being, the morals established by the religion of the people lost value.
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 20:36:36

Addy the Dog 
Level 62
i just want to say again how much i love the combination of creationism and anti-choice. those are two shitty tastes that taste twice as shitty together.

we are killing off millions and millions of our offspring

you really are a massive cunt, julkorn. your idiocy becomes less and less amusing to me.

do you think abortion is the first instance in which a life, or prospective life was ended? first of all, you've got spilled seed. periods. every second a woman goes without being pregnant is a slap in the face of reproduction. every sperm is sacred. then you've got the fact that every species produces more offspring than they can handle. even in the shittiest, shittiest situation, humans will reproduce. even if they have aids and they don't have enough food to eat and they live in a war-torn society. they will still have babies that are certain to die. or that will starve the rest of the family because they don't have enough to feed an extra mouth. there's mercy killings and euthanasia. there's murder. there's infanticide. there's matricide and patricide and fratricide. there's suicide. there's wars. huge pointless wars where societies send their children out to die. there's capital punishment. don't know why you seized on abortion as being somehow unprecedented in the history of life.

Understand that while on the internet, Aiethiesm seems to prevail, the real world, your outnumbered

actually, arun is british. religious people are in a minority, as they are in other progressive countries in europe. obviously in backwards hellholes like west virginia and whatever stinking pit julkorn lives in, religion reigns supreme. i don't know what conclusion to draw from that, maybe julkorn can treat us to one of his """"thoughts"""" about it.

Edited 4/19/2014 20:37:15
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 20:39:31

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
Absolute rubbish. I assumed he was Catholic simply because it's my best informed religion (I was actually christened in Ireland) :D

I have little respect for religion when it causes people like Julkorn to have such little respect for science. I do however have respect for religion; or at least, the immense power that it has.

in the real world, you are outnumbered

LOL. Why would that bother me? X is correct about me too. I am British, obviously meaning more civilised.

there are more facts baking [backing?] religion

Source please. I can't shake the feeling that this is BS.

This is small minded. Religion has freed the minds of million through the ages, and established morals, that in today's world are vanishing by the day. Why else to we see the degregation in American society? Look through the history books, in every ancient civilization, as the people lost faith in their religion and gained faith in themselves and their technology, they crumbled. The reason being, the morals established by the religion of the people lost value.

Yeah it's also killed millions, brainwashed more and been the cause of more misery than any other single thing, excluding perhaps pathogens. My feelings on religion are not actually this harsh; but I feel I must be harsh to answer the total crap you just posted.

Edited 4/19/2014 20:42:39
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 20:51:11

{rp} Julius Caesar 
Level 46
Backwards hellholes? You mean America by that. Now about you saying that being an Atheist is the majority your dead wrong. Only 16% of the world is unaffiliated with a religion, and an even smaller number is actually considering themselves Atheist. So maybe in your world, religion is backwards, but while Julkhorn is on the topic of abortion, you like a typical liberal, don't focus on that seeing as you have no real logical argument, and instead jump off and begin complaining about war, capitol punishment, and the like. Now understand me Capitol punishment is good, you would rather pay your taxes so the government can keep alive a person that does NOT contribute to society and would rather murder you? That's a waste of money. But anyway, back to Abortion. A nice "Catholic" family as you put it, does not necessarily mean 10 kids, that was a hundred years ago, nowadays, you ignorant cunt, Catholics have regular sized families from 1-3 kids. You are so haughty now, but god help you, if one day, you get into an accident, or have a disease, what are you gonna do then? I know, and you'll deny it, but you'll pray, it's human nature to believe in something.
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 20:52:42

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
A poll in 2004 by the BBC put the number of people who do not believe in a God at 39%, while a YouGov poll in the same year put the percentage of non-believers at 35% with 21% answering "Don't Know". In the YouGov poll men were less likely to believe in a god than women, 39% of men and 49% of women, and younger people were less likely to believe in a god than older people. In early 2004, it was announced that atheism would be taught during religious education classes in England.A compilation of some sociological studies indicates that roughly 30-40% of the British population does not have a belief in God and only 8% self identify as convinced atheist.

Backwards hellholes? You mean America by that.

No shit Sherlock, though he actually meant the south.
like a typical liberal

You, like a typical right winger....
Now understand me Capitol punishment is good, you would rather pay your taxes so the government can keep alive a person that does NOT contribute to society and would rather murder you? That's a waste of money.

Factor in holding costs of death row and appeal costs, as well as the moral implication of someone killing another helpless person.
A nice "Catholic" family as you put it, does not necessarily mean 10 kids, that was a hundred years ago, nowadays, you ignorant cunt, Catholics have regular sized families from 1-3 kids

So Catholics had better only have sex three times in their lives; just to make sure? Catholics are forced to have less kids because of the world many of them live in. Go to a less developed area and see how many kids those families have.
You are so haughty now, but god help you, if one day, you get into an accident, or have a disease, what are you gonna do then? I know, and you'll deny it, but you'll pray, it's human nature to believe in something.

If a convinced atheist prays like that, it is because of early exposure to religion. With no outside influence they have no beliefs.

Edited 4/19/2014 20:59:56
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 20:53:44

{rp} Julius Caesar 
Level 46
I did not post total crap, I posted the truth, You choose not to believe and I do not judge you for that, I judge you on the fact that you disregard Julkhorns well intentioned, yet slightly naive, belief in his faith.
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 20:59:19

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
What?! Although it is naïve, it is well-intentioned so I should lie down and accept it right? Ha!
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 21:02:11

{rp} Julius Caesar 
Level 46
Not saying that, merely saying that you dont have to be so mean to him about it.
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 21:04:12

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
I'm disputing his point as harshly as he disputed mine. Let's not direct this thread off-topic about 'being mean'.

Edited 4/19/2014 21:04:34
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 21:04:51

{rp} Julius Caesar 
Level 46
*says in hushed voice* but your smarter than he is so the emotional level is not needed.
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 21:15:57

Addy the Dog 
Level 62
A nice "Catholic" family as you put it, does not necessarily mean 10 kids, that was a hundred years ago, nowadays, you ignorant cunt, Catholics have regular sized families from 1-3 kids.

well the pope is against contraception, and abortions are obviously out of the question. so are modern catholics having sex 7-9 fewer times than before? or are they just bad catholics? either way they are, because in the bible, god's first command to humans is "go forth and multiply".

Backwards hellholes? You mean America by that.

most of it, yeah. if you look at an electoral map, the red parts.

Now understand me Capitol punishment is good, you would rather pay your taxes so the government can keep alive a person that does NOT contribute to society and would rather murder you? That's a waste of money.

Thou shalt not kill. That which you do unto the least of my brothers, you do unto me.

ps, it's capital punishment with an A. capitol punishment is c-span.

Edited 4/19/2014 21:18:32
Three thoughts I entertained lately: 4/19/2014 23:55:54

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
(Why has Sharpe deleted all his comments on this thread?)
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