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Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/12/2019 07:52:55

Level 57
I have to drop out, I dont have time at the Moment.
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/12/2019 07:55:02

Level 63
Ah, sorry to see you go Seggel. Guess you will play out your games this season still?
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/12/2019 12:33:46

Level 57
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/16/2019 20:04:49

Level 61
I finished 7-3 in my group :-) good luck to everyone
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/18/2019 08:37:04

Lord Phaedrus
Level 60
Can I join please
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/18/2019 08:37:58

Level 63
Yes, you can @Andy Howard. I'll add you to the waitlist
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/18/2019 08:40:45

Lord Phaedrus
Level 60
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/19/2019 10:23:26

Level 63
Season 16: Update 2. (August 19th)

Almost 3 weeks (19 days, actually) since my first update, and it is way past time for another one! All groups are well underway, so let's look at the standings. Won't be going into any details about who beat who, but take a look at Rheumakay's spreadsheet which has all that info and a lot more! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12afl9z8HGkipNLbgGEKItI2r85egLlSC9s6AusqVF0w/edit

One piece of news that I'm quite excited about before I get into it. I finally saved up enough coins to buy a lifetime membership yesterday! I enjoyed the chance to try the pick-swap mod on small earth 1 wasteland, as well as some other membership features. :D

Group A:
huddyj (6-0)
Rheumakay (2-0)
ARand0mPlayer (2-2)
Suschel (2-2)
PhucilliJerry (1-1)
GuestNWHSzY (1-3)
dauti (1-4)
Ragnar Lothbrok (0-0)
Seggel (0-3) dropping out

I am very happy with the way Group A has played out so far. I am leading on 6 wins, with matches still ongoing against Rheumakay and Ragnar Lothbrok, who are at present the only other undefeated players. Seggel is leaving at the end of this season, and will be missed. Definitely too early to call a result here, but somebody is going to have to win a lot of games to take the title away from me. Guest, Seggel, and dauti can be ruled out already, and if I can get another win, both ARP and Suschel will be as well.

Group B:
ADHDnl (4-1)
iNsAnE (4-2)
SNDBX (3-3)
mslasm (2-0)
bzox (2-3)
graemes (2-3)
Checkmqte (1-5)
Hunta (0-1)

ADHDnl leads Group B so far, but did lose to iNsAnE. mslasm hasn't lost a game yet, but hasn't really played enough to get a read on. Probably will be in the mix for promotions though. Hunta is also an unknown at the moment, with the only completed game being a loss to iNsAnE. Checkmqte looks likely to receive a relegation.

Group C:
Baer (7-2)
rocky1 (5-2)
Tof (4-0)
Ameter (4-2)
kirdol (4-3)
k.o. (4-4)
Fc Bayern (3-4)
Hasdrubal (2-2)
Bonsai (1-8) dropping out
Taji (1-8)

After defeating Taji in his opening game, Bonsai decided to drop out of the league, so surrendered his remaining games. Taji potentially got unlucky there! However, looking at the standings, it hasn't changed anything. Baer is looking very strong here, and probably only rocky1 or Tof are still in the running to challenge him for Group B victory.

Group D:
Diestramenos 4-2)
KaitoS (4-2)
Meldarion (4-2)
Thorben (3-2)
Olja (3-3)
jac (1-4)
Kevin Turner (1-5)
Dimitris_Wingo (0-0)

Group D looks like it may take a while, as Dimitris still hasn't completed a single game. In fact, the only game remaining that doesn't involve him is jac vs Thorben! Very tight at the top, with Meldarion, KaitoS, and Diestramenos each at 4 wins 2 losses, and Thorben likely to be there soon as well. Results against Dimitris will be crucial in deciding placings here.

Group E:
Cata Cauda (3-1)
Matt431 (3-1)
GeniusJKlopp (3-2)
s1gmoyd (2-2)
Brian the Brave(1-2)
Star-Lord (0-4)

Cata Cauda and Matt431 are tied at 3-1 each, with only their head-to-head game left in progress for them. Whoever gets the win there will win Group E! Things will be tight for the next few placings, with a likely 3-way tie from 2nd-4th.

Group F1:
ZZA (9-1)
BlacKnight (8-1)
tris (8-2)
{101st} Syphen (7-3)
Pavluski (5-3)
Linws2 (4-6)
Roele (4-6)
foul play (2-6)
Kwame (2-7)
Not Hitler (2-7)
Dianne Abrams (0-9)

Group F1 has been won by ZZA, who took the lead early on and just lost one game to tris along the way. Congrats ZZA! BlacKnight will take second without needing to wait for his last game to finish, as he beat tris, and lost to ZZA. tris finishes in 3rd place. Syphen will finish 4th, as he has already beaten Pavluski, who will finish 5th. Dianne Abrams has come last, while the other results are still to be confirmed.

Group F2:
Tainted Monk (10-0)
Hergul (8-1)
Phoenix (6-4) dropping out
(Teishi) mōshiwakearimasen min'na (5-4)
Andre Laufmöller (5-4)
Fizzer (5-4)
Octane (5-4)
roan (2-7)
Lew (1-0)
Akai the Guy (1-8)
TianO (0-5)
Captain Trips (0-7)

Tainted Monk is almost certain to win Group F2, but almost surprisingly, he is not yet guaranteed the victory. He will want to win his final match against Lew to seal it and sweep the group. Hergul looks very likely to finish in second, with Lew needing a pretty amazing streak to steal one of the top spots, despite being currently undefeated. Phoenix is dropping out, so the log jam of 4 players on 5 wins 4 losses becomes a tussle for a potential 3rd placing.

Group F3:
Hazlenut (7-2)
koso (7-2)
Menda (7-2)
hi (6-2)
Viking1007 (5-3)
888 (3-6)
Boakill (3-6)
BST (3-6)
(chaos) I stabbed the lord and got chat-banned (2-7)
swiekr (1-8)
Wiz Wizz Wizznson (0-0)

This group is pretty tight at the top, although with wins over koso and Menda, Hazelnut has the outright lead for now. hi is on the wrong side of it against those 2, but did beat Hazelnut to keep in contention for the top. Viking has been very consistent, with losses against the top 3, and wins against all those under him. Wiz Wizz still hasn't finished a game, so unfortunately is likely to hold up this group significantly.
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/20/2019 16:07:01

Level 58
Looking to join if there is room in an expansion league.
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/20/2019 22:16:11

Level 63
@Seleen147 sure, you can play once the next season starts. I'll add you to the waitlist.
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/22/2019 05:33:00

Level 60
F1 finished with ZZA in the lead
Have a look at the sheet for more detailed standings

In F2 we have 5 players with a win/lose of 6/4 where everyone of them won 2 and lost 2 against the direct opponents
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/22/2019 14:04:45

Level 59
E has one game left deciding 1st, 2nd and 3rd place -

1/2 Cata Cauda 3-1 (1)
1/3 Matt431 3-1 (1)
2/3 GeniusJKlopp 3-2 (0) (has a head to head win against Matt431, thanks Meldarion)
4 BrianTheBrave 2-3 (0)
5 s1gmoyd 2-3 (0)
6 Star-Lord 1-4 (0)

Edited 8/25/2019 10:42:12
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/22/2019 14:11:03

Level 59

Any initial plans for who's going to promote/demote this season?
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/23/2019 06:24:23

Level 61
Send me an invite, I am interested
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/23/2019 10:07:37

Master Meldarion 
Level 63
s1gmoyd, you just wrote that GeniusJKlopp has a H2H win against himself..
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/23/2019 22:08:14

Level 34
Can I join the next season?
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/24/2019 00:47:54

Level 63
@RAS @Matthew, you have both been added to the waitlist for next season.
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/24/2019 03:50:34

Level 63
Season 16: Update 3. (August 24th)

5 days since the last update, so I will just focus on the games that have finished since then. Don't forget to take a look at Rheumakay's spreadsheet which has a lot of information about what is happening across the different league groups! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12afl9z8HGkipNLbgGEKItI2r85egLlSC9s6AusqVF0w/edit

Group A:
huddyj (7-0)
Rheumakay (4-0)
Suschel (3-2)
ARand0mPlayer (2-3)
dauti (2-4)
PhucilliJerry (1-2)
GuestNWHSzY (1-4)
Ragnar Lothbrok (0-1)
Seggel (0-3) dropping out

I am continuing my push towards League Champion, with another win, this time over Ragnar. Rheumakay is not going away though, with wins over Seggel and Guest putting him undefeated on 4 wins. My match against him may well decide the title, so I guess I just have to win it! (sounds easy, doesn't it?) Suschel has climbed into 3rd with a win over PJ, and dauti has also steadied a little, beating ARand0mPlayer. So the title race is down to myself and Rheumakay, with Ragnar as an outside chance to force a tie-break if he wins all the rest of his games. I've never ever gone undefeated in a league group, so am as close as I have ever been to doing it! Come on...

Group B:
ADHDnl (5-1)
iNsAnE (5-2)
SNDBX (3-3)
bzox (3-3)
graemes (3-3)
mslasm (2-3) 3 boot-losses
Checkmqte (1-5)
Hunta (0-2)

mslasm has booted in 3 games! This is a surprise. bzox, graemes, and iNsAnE are the 3 players who benefit here, each adding another win to their tally. ADHDnl has beaten Hunta as well, and is one step closer to winning Group B. Just needs to beat mslasm. Probably is unlucky to miss out on a boot win there to seal top spot. iNsAnE will be hoping mslasm doesn't boot in that one, as he's in with a chance of winning this group depending on that result. There is quite a tussle in the middle of this group, with SNDBX, bzox, and graemes each on 3-3.

Group C:
Baer (7-2)
rocky1 (6-2)
k.o. (5-4)
Fc Bayern (5-4)
Tof (4-1)
Ameter (4-3)
kirdol (4-3)
Hasdrubal (2-4)
Bonsai (1-8) dropping out
Taji (1-8)

Group C continues to be tight, with rocky1 beating Hasdrubal to keep closing on Baer in top spot. Tof, who was undefeated to this point, suffers a loss to Fc bayern, who has also beaten Ameter to climb the ranks significantly! k.o. gets a win over Hasdrubal as well to move above Tof into 3rd place in Group C.

Group D:
Diestramenos 4-2)
KaitoS (4-2)
Meldarion (4-2)
Thorben (3-2)
Olja (3-3)
jac (1-4)
Kevin Turner (1-5)
Dimitris_Wingo (0-0)

No change in Group D since the last update.

Group E:
Cata Cauda (3-1)
Matt431 (3-1)
GeniusJKlopp (3-2)
Brian the Brave (2-3)1-0)
s1gmoyd (2-3)(0-1)
Star-Lord (1-4)

Star-Lord beats Brian the Brave to finally register a win in Group E, but it wasn't enough to lift him off the bottom, as Brian finishes with a win over s1gmoyd to climb to 4th place. s1gmoyd finishes in 5th, and Star-Lord in 6th. The top 3 are in doubt, with the only remaining match here being a winner-takes-all H2H between Cata Cauda and Matt431. If Cata Cauda wins that, then Genius finishes in 2nd place, but if Matt431 wins it, Cata Cauda finishes 2nd and Genius in 3rd.

Group F1:
ZZA (9-1)
BlacKnight (8-2)1-0
tris (8-2)0-1
{101st} Syphen (7-3)1-0
Pavluski (7-3)0-1
Linws2 (4-6)1-0
Roele (4-6)0-1
Not Hitler (3-7)1-0
Kwame (3-7)0-1
foul play (2-8)
Dianne Abrams (0-9)

Group F1 is complete! Pavluski finishes off with a win over BlacKnight, but it doesn't change their final positions. ZZA wins Group F1, BlacKnight comes 2nd, tris 3rd, Syphen 4th, Pavluski 5th, Linws2 6th, Roele 7th, Not Hitler 8th, Kwame 9th, foul play 10th, and Dianne Abrams 11th.

Group F2:
Tainted Monk (10-0)
Hergul (9-2)
Phoenix (6-4) dropping out
(Teishi) mōshiwakearimasen min'na (6-4)
Andre Laufmöller (6-4)
Octane (6-4)
Fizzer (6-5)
Lew (3-0)
roan (2-7)
Captain Trips (2-8)
Akai the Guy (1-9)
TianO (0-10)Kicked for inactivity (10 boot-losses)

Tainted Monk still can't rest easy, with Lew winning 2 matches since last update to sit at 3-0, including an important one against Hergul. Captain Trips has climbed off the bottom of this Group, winning a couple of matches as well! TianO has booted from every game so far, and will be removed for inactivity. Every player currently on 6 wins has either lost to Lew (Fizzer) or hasn't completed a game against Lew yet (Phoenix, Teishi, Andre, Octane). So anyone that can beat Lew will gain a big boost in the standings.

Group F3:
Hazlenut (8-2)
Menda (8-2)
koso (7-2)
hi (7-2)
Viking1007 (5-3)
888 (4-6)
Boakill (3-6)
BST (3-6)
(chaos) I stabbed the lord and got chat-banned (2-7)
swiekr (2-8)
Wiz Wizz Wizznson (0-5) kicked for inactivity (5 boot losses)

The only progress here since last update was Wiz Wizz booting all his active games. Hazelnut, Menda, hi, 888, and swiekr all benefited with a win as a result, and Wiz will be kicked. Still tight at the top, with Hazelnut looking strong for victory still thanks to some good H2H results against other top players. Not a guarantee yet though I don't think, so let's see how the next few matches go. If Wiz keeps booting, I think Hazelnut wins it.

Edited 8/27/2019 08:34:07
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/24/2019 10:06:58

Level 61
Can i join?
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League: Season 16: 8/24/2019 10:17:36

Level 63
@Nekschot, yes you can. I'll add you to the waitlist for next season.
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