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Strategic guide to Rise of Rome: 2019-06-08 11:13:40

Level 61
Did a video explaining the strategic points of Rise of Rome 1v1 Quickmatch template if anyone would like to have a look:

Feel free to comment if you think i missed any particular key point of the template, always useful to discuss different strategies. :)
Strategic guide to Rise of Rome: 2019-06-08 14:32:59

Hazel Wizard
Level 56
ror best map
Strategic guide to Rise of Rome: 2019-06-09 08:43:54

Level 39
Nice Review, RoR 1v1 is a fun template with many starting places to choose.
I'd like to share a strategy of focusing picks on Magna Macedonia.
''this can be a guaranteed win, IF YOU DON'T MEET ANYONE IN THE FIRST 5 TURNS.''

Here's how it plays out:
The First pick should be Alexandria, because it's a popular pick and you don't want your opponent over there. Then, with the other 3 picks in Magna Macedonia, you can finish the mega bonus, cleverly, in just "3 turns"
Making you slightly stronger than the ones in Britannia and Germania, faster than the ones in Partha, Hispania and others.

Next, the income from Magna Macedonia is exactly enough to help you finish Illyricum in the following 2 turns. At this point, with the megabonus of ''6+7'', as early as turn 5, you likely have a larger income than your opponent. The only thing left to do, is denying your opponent in Germania, Gallia or the Greater Parthian empire. The borders of these bonuses are very easy to reach, where you flank your enemy with an unbeatable force, becoming Alexander the great 2.0, haha.

I've won many games with this strategy to the point that I have to share this publicly, hoping the community can be aware of this strategy, try it yourself or counter it by having picks in or near Magna Macedonia and Illyricum.

Edited 6/9/2019 09:01:39
Strategic guide to Rise of Rome: 2019-06-09 13:34:34

Emu Pub 
Level 65
It is a guaranteed win if you dont meet the opponent in 5 turns.....could be said about many clusters. Any decent player will destroy you with your picks. Fast mace is a well known strat. So is fast "name any bonus you want". Now alex as 1 is never a bad thing. And the combo into illy is nice but who the hell leaves free mace or illy?
Strategic guide to Rise of Rome: 2019-06-09 14:49:15

Level 39
@Emu Pub
Well, I knew I sound too confident, of course any cluster pick can be easily screwed by an early encounter.

My main point is :
In terms of income cluster picks, Mace+Illy(6+7) has the biggest advantage of all the other clusters.

(6+7)>(5+7)>(10), and everything beyond is slower which is most likely to be reached and disrupted by the centrally located Mace+Illy before finished. Leaving Mace+Illy empty has bigger risk than leaving Partha, Hispa, Brit and others. That's all I got to say.

Edited 6/9/2019 14:57:27
Strategic guide to Rise of Rome: 2019-06-09 20:03:39

Level 61
Another problem, is a lot of people use the same picks each and every RoR game.

So if you run into them on QM, you can just counter their default picks.
Strategic guide to Rise of Rome: 2019-06-14 22:29:15

Emu Pub 
Level 65
@ VM

My point still stands.

You are saying mathematically.... macecluster>allotherclusters

so let's add on to it.... notclustering>maceclustering>allotherclusters

So why discuss the best losing option? Don't cluster and you will win more of these types of games, even though clustering will win you some.

Heck I clustered spain in: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=18709122
and won, but it was close. (yes 3 picks instead of 4, which makes clustering more viable), but I clustered as an attempt to do something my opponent would NOT think I would do. But it was risky and not a good idea, if blob had been paying attention to turn order on turn 7 I would have lost easily.

Even a semi-cluster (two picks close to each other) can lose you the game: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=18879178
Strategic guide to Rise of Rome: 2019-06-15 04:07:26

Level 62
Still won while meeting the enemy at turn 3:https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=18894151
Strategic guide to Rise of Rome: 2019-06-15 09:57:21

Level 39
Although there's a slight chance that opponent army in Crete didn't split, and goes further into Mace.
It's good to see you defended and demonstrated another mace-illy combo.

@Emu Pub @chriger
Haha, Agreed. I shall not be a heretic, encouraging blind clustering strategies. It's against the warlight spirit of taking risks. engaging and guessing opponent moves. However, as long as mace+illy's rich income is still there on the map, Non-Clustering players can take notes from Emu's quote: ''Who the hell leaves free mace or illy?''
Strategic guide to Rise of Rome: 2019-06-20 12:31:17

Level 62
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