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MTR Ladder - Template suggestions: 2019-05-21 16:40:16

Level 60
Hey everyone,

I'm working on a custom tournament platform that is almost completed (http://wztourney.herokuapp.com). After that I'm starting to implement an MTR (monthly template rotation) tournaments and debating throwing the concept into a ladder.

What that is exactly:

Monthly Template Rotation is a concept where players can join an on going tournament/lobby (and create their own for their own clans) where they can practice specific templates with one another that change monthly. The creator of this can change the templates/stop the games whenever they choose.

If this were to also be a ladder for the greater masses there would be 12 predefined templates (one for each month in the year). The way it will work is that if you've joined the ladder, you will get games on the current month's template until the month is over. Then games created in that next month will be on the next template. Players can have different amounts of games on a specific template, depending on their speed of play. Also, since this is a ladder so you can come and go as you please, but there will of course be a rankings page and all of that fun stuff similar to the ladders here and the MDL.

This post is intended to discuss with those interested on the original 12 templates that a potential ladder should use/focus on.

Off the top of my head, here's what I've got. All templates need to come from the MDL (http://md-ladder.cloudapp.net).

January - Guiroma
February - British Raj
March - Biomes of America
April - French Brawl
May - Phobia
June - Hannibal at the Gates
July - Strat Greece
August - Strat ME
September - Elitist Africa
October - The World of Warhammer
November - Volcano Island
December - Yinyang`zhou

Currently the thought is that these don't change unless voted upon by active ladder players which is something I won't implement until this is up and running.

Please share your thoughts/suggestions.



Edited 5/21/2019 16:59:23
MTR Ladder - Template suggestions: 2019-05-21 16:44:46

Level 59
I take it MME is New 1v1 Ladder.

Take a look at the AWP and MDL templates, lots of cool ones there.
MTR Ladder - Template suggestions: 2019-05-21 16:50:15

Level 60
Yes, MME is the 1v1 ladder currently. I'll take a look at the MDL templates and pick some not so ridiculous ones maybe :p.
MTR Ladder - Template suggestions: 2019-05-23 00:34:36

Level 62
If this "Custom Tournament Platform" works as well as it sounds, I'll be very interested in using this for my own clan. I hope to see a thread made in the clan forums regarding this once it's 100% done!

To your "mass ladder" idea, I think it feels to me as a lesser down version of the Multi-day ladder, where it's just one template and for those wanting to learn it feels a lot more easier to handle. I could see it appealing for some but I wonder if enough to make it feasible!

Regarding the template, I'd like to see them personally at this:

January - Guiroma
February - Timid Lands
March - Biomes of America
April - French Brawl
May - Phobia
June - Hannibal at the Gates
July - Strat Greece
August - Strat ME
September - Elitist Africa
October - Battle Islands
November - Volcano Island
December - Randomised Bonuses ME WR.

Thanks for the work, always awesome to see.
MTR Ladder - Template suggestions: 2019-05-23 23:30:57

Level 60
@Plat, of course the MTR will be available to any one. That's happening regardless. The ladder portion, well yes overall interest will drive it. Right now you can create Seeded/Swiss tournaments. Group stage is almost complete!

The way it will work for the public will be you create an MTR League. By default they are private (public ones would effectively mean a 'ladder') and you can use it for your own clan however you'd like. You get to specify the templates for all the months to come, and if there is not a template decided no games will be created in the next month until one has been entered. I wish I had some drawings of how the UI flow will work, but for now just think of a page that allows you to invite people (who have joined the CLOT) of course, and a place for you to continuously add templates for the months to come. Games will be automatically created randomly between opponents in the MTR League you've created, avoiding duplicate matches of course, with an overall ELO rating for the league itself as well. The total # of games a player gets in the MTR will be decided by the creator of the league, but it can NEVER exceed playing every other player more than once.
MTR Ladder - Template suggestions: 2019-05-30 11:29:21

Level 61
I vote for Strat ME every month
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