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Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-03 20:27:28

Level 3
He never even made his first move. I suspect he didn't he most of he games he ruined.

@J Russell Mikkelsen - what is the problem with the name coondog? Do you even know what the word means?
Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-03 20:31:09

Richard Sharpe 
Level 59
While I understand the term, the racist connotations are a bit hard to overlook...
Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-03 20:32:30

Level 4
Here's all you need to know about coon dogs:

Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-03 20:53:06

Level 3

So, if someone describes a nail as being bent, do you also jump to the conclusion that they are a homophobe?
Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-03 20:56:07

Level 5
Grandpa Jones!
Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-03 21:00:38

Level 5
Like my mom used to say, "Honi soit qui mal y pense"
Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-03 21:08:30

Richard Sharpe 
Level 59
dog, can't say I am familiar with that reference.

The fact is that coon is a racist term comparable to the N word. I would be equally put off if a name had the word fag in it, even if it was just a referencing a cigarette.

I'll not lie... if I saw someone with a name like yours in a game with an open seat, I'd pass on that seat simply to avoid the potential of playing with an ignorant ass. Same goes for the Hitler-inspired names.
Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-03 22:32:21

Level 4
Richard, I wouldn't have made that association. Now it bugs me that you've made me do so. Maybe I'm just ignorant.


No suggestion there, anyway.
Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-04 04:13:52

Level 56
I made the association when I saw your name coondog. It can be just as offensive as "Hitler" or "Stalin" these days.
Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-04 05:23:26

Level 35
Really? I was kind of under the impression that "coon" was only mildly offensive. Not to mention that "coon" is simply what tons of people call raccoons. I think most Americans, at least, know what a "coondog" is, which is just a dog used for hunting raccoons (coons). That, or he misspelled "cornydog", which is a delicious fried delicacy of deliciousness.
Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-04 09:45:16

The Yellow Team
Level 4
TexasJohn... in Britain, coon is every bit as offensive as the 'n' word. Less commonly used perhaps, but still very bad.

There were some issues in Australia a while back too about a brand of cheese...


Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-04 12:39:37

Level 35
Well, as you well know, I abhor offensive language. I will no longer even think about using the "c" word anymore. And by "c" word, of course, I mean "coon"....DAMNIT!
Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-04 13:03:36

Level 49
racism is a matter of mental perspective.. the person that sees a term as racist, is a racist themself.. the person that cannot connect a term to it's racial slur, is in fact the only non-racist....

desiring to ban people for using racist terms/names only encourages that form of racism.. Unless it actually has a negative effect on someone that is not purely created in that someones mind, then there is no grounds for any repurcussions.. Naturally, insulting someone blatently, whether it be racially or not, is grounds for repurcussions.. racial insults are merely a form of insult... but seeing that insult without it being used or directed in an insulting way is the mental action of a racist mind.
Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-04 13:18:34

Level 54
what i think about racism
i disagree with some of perrins previous point,if someone sees something as racist that doesn't mean their are racist.Also if someone doesn't see something as not racist that doesn't mean they are not racist it might even mean there are racist.
Like someone saying N______ and not thinking they are racist.That is how race hate vendettas begin.
Also some people think most things are racist like acting like a monkey to someone they think that is racist in cases like that the thinker is a bit racist.
Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-04 14:35:40

Richard Sharpe 
Level 59
"the person that sees a term as racist, is a racist themself.. "

Thanks for calling me racist Perrin, I really appreciated it.
Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-04 19:12:39

Level 5
I don't think Richard is a racist.

The thing that bugs me though is the conclusion that "coon dog" is. I can't imagine that a valid term has to be abandoned because of a strange unfortunate homonym. It doesn't seem reasonable to expect dog people to change the term to raccoon dog or raccoon hound, or for people to abandon the common expression "a coon's age".

I also steer clear of players with offensive names. I'm not sure this is one of them. Just as it is unfair to label Richard a racist, it seems unfair to label the original poster as one too.
Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-04 19:18:35

Richard Sharpe 
Level 59
Hang, let me clarify... I don't believe he is racist. I just said I would have avoided a game with him for fear that he was racist.

Big part of it is culture. I'm a northerner from a state that has minimal hunting and not many raccoons so the term is foreign to me. Thus when I see the 'coon' my mind immediately goes to the negative connotation of the term and questions the intent of the name. If I grew up in an area with frequent raccoons or hunting I probably wouldn't think twice on the matter.
Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-04 19:24:40

Level 5
That's fair.
Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-04 21:18:02

Level 3
Well Richard, to me, it sounds very much like you are still implying I am a racist. And an ass (another insult that is an animal). It's hard not to take offence at that. The first syllable of my screen name may have an offensive use, but this would be taking it out of context. A coondog is hunting dog. Nothing more is meant by it than that.

The English language suffers if we try to censor words because some people choose to use them to insult others.
Can we just ban players like this?: 2012-05-04 21:34:42

Richard Sharpe 
Level 59
dog, I most certainly do not... I now know where the term comes from. When I said above that I wouldn't join a game with you I meant it in that had it occurred prior to this discussion. I don't wantonly throw around such a slanderous accusation as racism.

I recognize that it is out of context, however my point was that at first glance I don't know context and thus would shy away from it as I don't want to deal with someone who would use it in the negative context.
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