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Feminism is a mind virus that makes women bitter: 12/27/2018 21:42:03

Level 63
it does adjust for occupation....it does also adjust for paternity leave through the "job experience in the current field category".....

it's not pure speculation, if marginalism holds true then woman needs to be less productive than men, if they have equal adjusted pay because of the lower work participation otherwise the neoclassical wage theory is wrong. you propose such a theory, but the women adjusted wage is not higher then the mens, so you must by necessity hold that women are less productive then men.

Edited 12/27/2018 21:43:10
Feminism is a mind virus that makes women bitter: 12/28/2018 16:12:50

The Last Kiss
Level 55
"Just one example: studies show infant boys prefer to play with cars and infant girls prefer to play with dolls. This is much earlier than any sort of education takes place."

Nonsense. Education starts at or very shortly after birth. Your parents are your first teachers.

"Endless talk about the gender pay gap that doesn't exist."

It absolutely exists. You can potentially make the argument that it is less of an issue than some women make it out to be, but to claim it doesn't exist just reeks of ignorance. Women with the same amount of schooling and experience make roughly 91.6% as much as their male counterparts in the same profession do.

That is post-adjustment, not pre-adjustment. The average working woman makes 79.3% as much as the average working male. The 91.6% is after factoring in profession and training, etc.

Edited 12/28/2018 16:32:28
Feminism is a mind virus that makes women bitter: 12/28/2018 18:27:25

Level 39
Leading psychologists step aside, for The Last Kiss has refuted your empirical findings by the strong argument of: not believing in it.

Adjustment for what? If women can do an equally good job to men, while getting considerably less in salary, then why would firms not just hire cohorts of women? Hmmm... I wonder. Maybe there are factors, that should be included in said adjustment, that is not? I am honestly dumbfounded about how retarded the discourse of the gender pay gap debate is. How hard can it actually be to calculate in the factors, that companies value?

Edited 12/28/2018 18:28:29
Feminism is a mind virus that makes women bitter: 12/28/2018 21:51:40

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
There's too many factors when it comes to the wage gap, from a man being more likely to negotiate for a higher wage, to men dominating dangerous professions that typically pay higher salaries.

The media definitely overplays this making it sound far worse than it is.

Example > https://www-nbcnews-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna941626?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQECAFYAQ%3D%3D#aoh=15460334790181&amp_ct=1546033500546&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nbcnews.com%2Fbusiness%2Fbusiness-news%2Fgender-pay-gap-worse-thought-study-shows-women-actually-earn-n941626

Now dismissing it as definitely not existing, is a lie in and of itself, but I do not believe that that women are paid less, just because that are women. There are some examples for sure, but among there being laws set to protect from wage discrimination, there is also initiative to mitigate the gap in large businesses, wherever possible.
With all that, we still haven't closed the gap, and chances are a a gap will always exist.
Feminism is a mind virus that makes women bitter: 12/28/2018 23:24:51

Level 59
I’m glad we have a huge woman community on here who can make their voices heard.
Feminism is a mind virus that makes women bitter: 12/29/2018 10:16:30

Level 39

Well of course. Men are also more likely to travel, move, and take overtime for their companies. They are less likely to stay home, when their kids are sick, they are less likely to take maternity leave (Which might not be a big part of the debate in the US, for instance, but definitely is in Scandinavia), and they are not working less efficient, when they are having a baby.

Men are generally stronger than women, they are more likely to take high-risk jobs, and men are dominating STEM fields. Name one sport, where the top tier women would win against the top tier men. I'll wait. It can include non-athletic sports, like Chess, e-Sports, or really whatever too. I'll keep waiting.

The debate is often obscured with manipulative numbers, comparing the wage of all women to that of all men. Truth is, that men are overrepresented in highest and lowest paying jobs. Women typically seek out jobs that have to do with caring, which also pay less. We can talk about whether that should actually be the case (as I don't think it should), but as a matter of fact, they do pay less. Women are also worse at negotiating their salary.

I probably forgot some factors I know, and I probably left out factors, that we do not know of yet. But these combined should make everyone understand, why companies make an active choice of hiring a man at a higher cost, instead of hiring a woman. They are not paying more to get the same work done. They are paying more to get more work done. It's not discriminatory, it's business.

I think we should encourage same salary for same work. Feminists think that we should encourage same salary for different work. Feminism is not synonymous with egalitarianism and haven't been for many years.
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