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Rapid Strat 1v1 Tournament: 2018-12-14 19:39:19

Level 60
Hey guys, I am trying out a new tournament format today. It is inspired by the rapid chess variant used in professional tournaments. Rather than the 60 minutes each player has to do their turn, it is lowered to 10 minutes.

I am attempting to replicate this format for warzone. I will be using the same template for strategic 1v1, except the turns are 2 minutes instead of 5, with a 3 minutes banked time. This should make the games faster and force you to think faster. If you're interested, join here https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=27634

Hope to see you soon :D
Rapid Strat 1v1 Tournament: 2018-12-14 22:18:45

Level 63
2 minutes is still a ltitle long usually takes me 30-60 seconds top to figure out moves

make it 30 seconds with 1 minute banked >:D
Rapid Strat 1v1 Tournament: 2018-12-14 23:30:36

Level 58
3 minutes, 0 banked!
Rapid Strat 1v1 Tournament: 2018-12-14 23:38:35

Level 64

Warzone Creator
I love the idea of faster games. One of my goals for next year is to make real-time games faster.
Rapid Strat 1v1 Tournament: 2018-12-14 23:43:07

Roi Joleil
Level 60
*might i add that it was my original idea of doing 1min games against trolldemort. so im taking the credit* :P
Rapid Strat 1v1 Tournament: 2018-12-14 23:50:48

Level 60
Thanks for those who joined in! I was actually going to make it start next week but apparently you cant do it later than an hour so it was pretty much on the spot. This was more of a "proof of concept/interest" thing so it will be better planned next time I promise

I think 3 minutes with no banked could be a good idea. I realized most of the games rarely needed the banked time anyways.

As for making it super short, those are reserved for blitz strat 1v1 and Armageddon for really short games but I got that in store soon :P

I'll post mhttps://www.warzone.com/Forum/325369-rapid-strat-1v1-tournament#ore tourney stuff here in the future so you can see when I start a similar tourney in the future so people can know
Rapid Strat 1v1 Tournament: 2018-12-14 23:55:05

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
One problem with rapid-style Warlight is that unlike in chess where it takes about 1 second to physically make your move, it may be the case that it will take more than 30 seconds to simply input your orders if you have high income or a large number of moves to make.
Rapid Strat 1v1 Tournament: 2018-12-15 06:48:45

Level 62
It's really fascinating to me that Facetroll won the competition (not because he's Outlaws and it's that bias) but because he's been practicing 1-minute chess games, so he's obviously been immune to these high-pressure situations to make good strategic moves. Did that give him a significant advantage over the competition?

It's a very cool concept that I'm hoping will be developed next year as Fizzer hints.
Rapid Strat 1v1 Tournament: 2019-01-04 14:24:49

Level 62
Anyone wanna play chess on lichess.org?
As some of you may have guessed, my username is chessboy88
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