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Sanction cards: 2018-11-03 19:40:56

Level 59
I'm using Unity.

Is there an easy way to see that my income is based on the result of a sanction card? Am I overlooking something obvious? Something that flags it?
Sanction cards: 2018-11-03 19:54:01

Level 60
Hmm, tbh not really. Apart from the fact that your income is less. Would be nice maybe, if there was a symbol similar to 'D' for diplomacy? You can check Menu -> Active Cards as well.
Sanction cards: 2018-11-03 19:54:52

Level 63
When a player is sanctioned, their income is lowered/increased to include the sanctioned value while the card is active.
To see which cards are active, go to Game > Opponent's Cards and select a player.
Sanction cards: 2018-11-06 08:07:33

Level 59
Thanks. The Game > Active Cards option on Unity gets me close to what I wanted. I would have liked something more obvious, similar to the "Diplomacy" flag on the player name, but the Active Cards at least is a quick way to check.

Edited 11/6/2018 08:08:01
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