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My design page isn't loading: 2018-10-22 00:13:11

Level 57
Hello all!
I Was trying to open the map creation and it loads until the and, but don't show any more. Stay like if charging yet, but even if I let long time after full it continues like this. someone knows what is the problem?
My design page isn't loading: 2018-10-22 00:24:50

Level 60
That page is still in flash. Make sure you/your browser is not blocking flash.

{On chrome, Key thing by the https:// and then turn flash to Allow}

The site works for me. If flash is blocked then it should tell you. What browser are you on?

Edited 10/22/2018 00:25:48
My design page isn't loading: 2018-10-22 19:53:00

Level 57
The flash is enabled, it opens and loads. The problem is when it finish loading, instead of opening anything it stay in loading screen without any change.
I'm using Firefox. I ll try on chrome to see if i get it.
My design page isn't loading: 2018-10-22 20:03:13

Level 60
Works for me in Firefox. If you are unable to fix it, there is always https://www.warzone.com/ReportBug
My design page isn't loading: 2018-10-23 06:26:52

Level 57
Well, Worked on Chrome here. When I saw your last message i tried again on Firefox and didn't open again. :/

Edited 11/3/2018 02:06:58
My design page isn't loading: 2018-10-23 06:39:58

Level 56
Seems buggy, report bug.
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