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Why do conservatives keep electing complete mo: 2018-09-15 00:02:35

Wally Balls 
Level 59

Agent Orange is making him look good and he’s the same likable guy now that he always was — but GWB is half a click above retard and was an awful POTUS.

There are plenty of conservatives who would make fine presidents. They nominated two who got trounced my Obama.

What’s the deal?
Why do conservatives keep electing complete mo: 2018-09-15 02:37:30

Nate Kenobi
Level 41
Trump is like, I am white, I am a bum, I do live in a trailer with my mom. My best friend is an Uncle Tom.
Why do conservatives keep electing complete mo: 2018-09-16 04:10:41

Mista Sista
Level 57
Sometimes it really do be like that. This time it don’t be like that, but sometimes it do
Why do conservatives keep electing complete mo: 2018-09-16 04:56:45

Level 56
The reason Trump is such a moron is because he is a democrat.
Why do conservatives keep electing complete mo: 2018-09-16 05:50:42

Level 56
No, I think Wally means that he's a mooron.
Why do conservatives keep electing complete mo: 2018-09-16 05:53:59

Wally Balls 
Level 59
He’s neither a democrat nor a republican. I like that about him, he thinks for himself. The problem is he has, as his secretary of defense would say “the intelligence of a 5th or 6th grader.” so we’d be much better off with a GOP Company Man, like President Pence will be.
Why do conservatives keep electing complete mo: 2018-09-17 02:00:15

Level 59
Trump winning the 2016 election was a lie fabricated the Deep State in order to hide the crimes of the murderous Clinton regime that has been governing us in secret since 2009 after having orchestrated the recession. 2016 was meant to be a bid at legitimacy for the Clinton regime so that power would transfer to Chelsea when Hillary and Bill die in 2019; however, with the aid of Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin, the American people managed to thwart these Chinese-Israeli globalist puppets in a small way.

Unfortunately we only granted legitimacy to their stooge (who was supposed to lose to the Clintons and make Hillary look legitimate) and remain under Clinton rule.

The Gamers need to rise up and save our democracy from these Islamo-Zionist scum. We live in a society, for God's sake!

Upvote this if you hate women and minorities.
Why do conservatives keep electing complete mo: 2018-09-17 02:12:30

Level 58
Us G A M E R S need to establish a G A M E R
E T H N O S T A T E in the most gamer country on Earth - South Korea. Gamers rise up.

Edited 9/17/2018 02:12:43
Why do conservatives keep electing complete mo: 2018-09-17 03:45:50

Mista Sista
Level 57
This is so sad Alexa Play Despacito
Why do conservatives keep electing complete mo: 2018-09-17 03:51:02

Level 58
People forget that the gamers' real enemies aren't the Zionists, or the globalists, or even the Islamists.... it is the Albanians! If this hits 50 likes, the Ottoman Empire will come back, only this time it will be ruled by GAMERS!

Edited 9/17/2018 03:51:19
Why do conservatives keep electing complete mo: 2018-09-17 03:59:12

Mista Sista
Level 57
Haha yes except this time genocide all the slavs ESPECIALLY juq
Why do conservatives keep electing complete mo: 2018-09-17 04:03:44

Level 58
World War One was NOT about imperialism... it was about us. The most oppressed minority. Of all. The British, the French, the Russians, the Serbs, the Greeks, the Rumanians, the Italians, and especially the Armenians... They targeted gamers.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.
Why do conservatives keep electing complete mo: 2018-09-17 05:25:36

MightySpeck (a Koala) 
Level 60
Why do conservatives keep electing complete mo: 2018-09-17 16:30:45

Level 50
The President is very much a figurehead – he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it.

Douglas Adams
Why do conservatives keep electing complete mo: 2018-09-17 19:37:12

Level 49
>when it's not copypasta
Why do conservatives keep electing complete mo: 2018-09-17 21:34:32

Level 50
The text quoted above is, of course, from Adam's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I am not the first person to make a comparison between President Trump and Zaphod Beeblebrox.

Another passage:

One of the major difficulties Trillian experienced in her relationship with Zaphod was learning to distinguish between him pretending to be stupid just to get people off their guard, pretending to be stupid because he couldn't be bothered to think and wanted someone else to do it for him, pretending to be outrageously stupid to hide the fact that he actually didn’t understand what was going on, and really being genuinely stupid. He was renowned for being amazingly clever and quite clearly was so—but not all the time, which obviously worried him, hence, the act. He preferred people to be puzzled rather than contemptuous.

As to the original question, the Republicans are not the only party at fault.

''My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.''

—Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) expressing concern during a congressional hearing that the presence of a large number of American soldiers might upend the island of Guam. No I do not think he was joking, though he may have been drunk.

Ever since Nixon resigned, it has been the case that:

''Things are more like they are now than they have ever been.''

—President Gerald Ford
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