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Caesar's Challenge: a tired topic on a bad level: 2018-09-07 03:43:18

Level 26
At the time of writing this, I am extremely frustrated and angry. I have gone through every thread relating to this and have tried it all, failing each time because of the awful RNG. I know how the AI works (I figured that out fairly early and only had it confirmed) and how it reacts to either 3 or 10 armies in an adjacent territory. My question is this: is there any way I can manipulate the RNG so that the boss will head east toward asia each time without me losing or wasting armies in coaxing him that direction while also following the advice of other threads? In other words, (I can't be bothered to look up names) if I place x armies in territory A, will this cause the RNG to make the boss move east? I just want to beat this level and I'm getting desparate.

If you don't know what I'm talking about or played the level a long time ago, then play it before posting a reply so as to see what I'm talking about. I just want to move on and enjoy the other levels.
Caesar's Challenge: a tired topic on a bad level: 2018-09-07 04:05:53

Level 64

Warzone Creator
is there any way I can manipulate the RNG so that the boss will head east toward asia


If you're spending your time trying to manipulate the boss, no wonder you're frustrated! Focus elsewhere and you'll win.
Caesar's Challenge: a tired topic on a bad level: 2018-09-09 08:53:32

Roi Joleil
Level 60
i was about to link you a thread i did until i noticed i already did that just on a different thread to you. You cant manipulate the Boss to go to Asia but its possible either way wherever the Boss goes.. its just harder when it goes towards you.

"Tip against high AI stack: When the AI has a high stack of 100 DONT try to kill it and just continiu focusing your attack. Why is that? The AI is bad in splitting his stack and will for example split his 100 units into 95, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 instead of 20, 20, 20, 20, 20. Thats why you place around the stack only 3 units every and attack the spot the AI stack was on with all the 3's that are around it. With that tricks you should lower the stack always a bit and you never rly lost ground as he takes only 1 spot and you take the spot the stack was on in the same turn."

This can also be applied to the boss. i wouldnt focus it but simply expand and attack the AI in the east. the boss can only break 1 bonus at a time. no need to focus it down limiting your expansion. kill the other AI first.
Caesar's Challenge: a tired topic on a bad level: 2018-09-23 00:22:18

Level 25
Here is the solution.

I played this for many hours.

Finally it clicked!

The same way you treat the boss, you treat all the big stacks coming from east. That means, for the tricky boss, place 3 around him and recover his land when leaves, and for the stacks from east, place 10 around them and take them down slowly.

By level 13-15 must enter asia. Go with big stacks from up north and enter into it.

Strategy after that is to push to south east corner by spreading your army along with it. That means, if you enter Asia with 100, push 50-50 after that and then 45-5, 45-5, and so forth until you get to the corner and kill the commander. After that is easy.

Hope this helps!. BTW, again, key is to enter Asia with big stack soon.
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