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Clan Wars brainstorm(reposted): 2018-09-02 06:04:33

Level 15
hello i reposted this because i love the idea.
the first post(https://www.warzone.com/Forum/12150-clan-wars-brainstorm)

If WarLight were to add a way for clans to declare war on each other, how would you like this to work? Who would choose the game settings? How would a winner be declared? What could you win?

Brainstorm in this thread!
Clan Wars brainstorm(reposted): 2018-09-02 10:47:44

Mostly Harmless 
Level 60
I guess clan league already covers most of the prestige issues you'd get from a clan war, doesn't it?

I don't think there's a neat way to implement a unilateral declaration of war. Though I can imagine a Round-Ronin or large FFA setup when 2 clans agree to go to war with each other
Clan Wars brainstorm(reposted): 2018-09-02 15:57:39

Level 60
Clan wars died for 2 reasons

1. As the forums become less and less used, there is fewer opportunities to create a "war" and for the other clan to accept the war.

2. Clan league already serves the purpose of pitting clans against each other. Think of it as a permanent clan world war.

Also since the clans are much more close than in the past these wars are now mostly pointless as we have a way to see which ones are better than others. Added to the fact these players constantly play against each other in all sorts of ladders and random games, having a "war" of specific games for 2 clans is a bit redundant.

Anyhow, if you wanna declare war at FCC, I would accept ;)
Clan Wars brainstorm(reposted): 2018-09-02 23:11:43

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
I declare war on FCC.
Clan Wars brainstorm(reposted): 2018-09-02 23:28:09

Level 64
The current system of rounds seems to be fun. Though it would be kind of cool to see a system similar to an MMORPG, barely crossing the border of it matter of factually, you could control territories on a wide-spread map and fight battles for new ones, that's just my idea though.
Clan Wars brainstorm(reposted): 2018-09-03 18:17:36

Level 60
Clan wars died for 2 reasons

1. As the forums become less and less used, there is fewer opportunities to create a "war" and for the other clan to accept the war.

You do it easily via mail.

2. Clan league already serves the purpose of pitting clans against each other. Think of it as a permanent clan world war.

This is true, however, there are many specific game preferences within clans. For instance, some clans prefer RoR, some prefer really large maps with a lot of players, and some prefer strat. When two clans decide to face off, the leaders of those clans have all of the authority, so they can pick maps and settings that their players are more familiar with or agree upon, instead of forcing them into an atmosphere they may not be as interested in being a part of.

Also since the clans are much more close than in the past these wars are now mostly pointless as we have a way to see which ones are better than others. Added to the fact these players constantly play against each other in all sorts of ladders and random games, having a "war" of specific games for 2 clans is a bit redundant.

Close in what exact way? Alliances? I'm more likely to issue a clan war with a friendly allied clan than a clan I don't have any affiliation with whatsoever, personally.

But I do agree w/ some of your points, I just wanted to offer some of my own. Clan wars are absolutely still a thing, it's just that many of them are personal, so only members of the involved clans know about them. If you want to start a clan war type thing with someone, then just message the leader of another clan and there's a huge chance they will accept your offer. Try multi-day games, or tournaments. Lately I've had a preference for MD games over tournaments.

Edited 9/3/2018 18:19:45
Clan Wars brainstorm(reposted): 2018-09-03 23:39:19

Level 60
I mean more of the fact that many clans have switched to having discords over say clan chat games, clan forums and even skype. It makes it much easier for people from all clans to join and interact with other clans they are not in. The increase of interactions between clans has risen considerably and as such clan wars haven't really been a thing. For example, I am in the discord for FCC, REGL, MHunters and sninja. It's easy for me to have convos with other clan members and maintaining friendly relations without having to organize formal clan wars. If I wanted to do games agaisnt them I could just make my own instead of doing a very huge event like that. As I said before, that's what the clan league serves at the moment so it already feels redundant.
Clan Wars brainstorm(reposted): 2018-09-26 09:27:06

[Wolf] Relmcheatham
Level 56
Back in 2013-4, the Wolves tried to set up a few "clan wars" with a few clans like the timelords and turtles. Things never got off the ground but the general idea was that each clan would pick a predetermined amount of people who would play 1 v 1's against a player on the other side. Every time a player lost, he would be considered eliminated. A player could play as many games in a row as the person running that clan's team wished. Whoever ran out of players first lost.

Nowadays the discord servers sort of make any sort of clan war pointless.

Edited 9/26/2018 09:27:44
Clan Wars brainstorm(reposted): 2018-09-27 22:05:02

A Phoenix rises from its ashes again and again
Level 10
Some clan wars used to have bets like transfer of some players to winning clan from losing clan.
Clan Wars brainstorm(reposted): 2018-10-06 14:52:35

Level 62
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