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Machine Slows Down: 2018-05-09 00:06:18

Level 56
after I'm in a game for awhile - 10/15 minutes my machine begins slowing down to the point where the game becomes unplayable. By the time & can transfer troops & finish making any attacks - I time out.

This happening to anyone else & if so - how did you correct it?
Machine Slows Down: 2018-05-09 00:52:38

Level 60
hi which version do you use? phone/gadget or PC? flash or unity?

I use PC web flash always. whenever that happens, i just reload the page, or sometimes close the tab/browser and restart. on the rare occasions when it still doesnt work, i'd reboot once.
Machine Slows Down: 2018-05-09 07:25:01

Level 63
There are two versions of Warzone/WarLight: Flash and Unity. Unity is the default. You can change this by going to the top right of the page, clicking your name then by clicking on "Switch to Flash"/"Unity".

Which browser do you use? Firefox is the fastest for loading the Unity version.

Flash is faster than running the Unity version in a browser but you'll need to allow Flash to run on Warzone.com.

If you purchase a membership, you can download a standalone version of Warzone from https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Standalone_Client for PC, Mac and Linux. Standalone is much faster than running in a browser.

If you want general advice for speeding up your device, let me know.

Loading speed is an issue that is being worked on.

Edited 5/9/2018 07:25:51
Machine Slows Down: 2018-05-09 10:41:53

Level 60
I use Flash in Chrome on a Surface pro 4, and whenever I use Unity (for specific games) my computer goes into overdrive (you can hear the fans whirring).
So, try flash.
Machine Slows Down: 2018-05-09 13:49:31

Level 56
thanks - I'll give FLash a try - running on Chrome
Machine Slows Down: 2018-05-11 03:56:49

Level 56
Flash - while somewhat better - still slows down making me get booted
Machine Slows Down: 2018-05-11 06:38:45

Level 63
Join games with longer boot times or use the Show All/Skip option when the turn advances. Refreshing a game once in a while helps.
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